[Guide] Automatically install extensions and configure new (dispvm) hardened Firefox profiles with arkenfox user.js and policies

This was inspired by a number of posts that sometimes pop up on the forum.

Section 1 explains how to use arkenfox’s (but you can use any other) user.js file (GitHub - arkenfox/user.js: Firefox privacy, security and anti-tracking: a comprehensive user.js template for configuration and hardening) and make it compatible with Firefox autoconfig, in order to automatically configure new dispvm (or appvm) profiles without first creating one (so no profile-name fingerprinting).

For more information, see Customizing Firefox Using AutoConfig | Firefox for Enterprise Help.

It may help to know that this works well with Firefox policies.
Policies can complement what is defined by the autoconfig.js file. You can easily install (and remove) extensions, as well as toggle other parameters. The how-to can be found in Section 2, but for all the available parameters you are encouraged to read the official page: GitHub - mozilla/policy-templates: Policy Templates for Firefox.

Section 1: Autoconfig

1. Download arkenfox’s user.js:

[user@disp1234 ~]$ curl --tlsv1.2 -L https://raw.githubusercontent.com/arkenfox/user.js/master/user.js -o /home/user/user.js
[user@disp1234 ~]$ qvm-copy /home/user/user.js

In the prompt, select your Firefox’s TemplateVM (in this example deb-11-firefox)


  1. run all of the following commands in Firefox’s TemplateVM.
  2. take note of the dispvm name, you will need to change it in the following section (in this example disp1234).

2. Adapt user.js into firefox.cfg

user.js files don’t work by default because they have some slight differences. We will solve that in this step:

[root@deb-11-firefox ~] export firefox_cfg="/usr/lib/firefox-esr/firefox.cfg"
[root@deb-11-firefox ~] export user_js="/home/user/QubesIncoming/disp1234/user.js"
[root@deb-11-firefox ~] echo "// IMPORTANT: Start your code on the 2nd line" > $firefox_cfg
[root@deb-11-firefox ~] cat $user_js | grep "user_pref" | grep -v "// user_pref" >> $firefox_cfg
[root@deb-11-firefox ~] sed -i 's/user_pref/pref/g' $firefox_cfg

Note: if you have a user-overrides.js that you’d like to use, simply re-run the last cat command (before running sed), but instead of $user_js include the path to your user-overrides.js file.

3. Create autoconfig.js

[root@deb-11-firefox ~] export autoconfig_js="/usr/share/firefox-esr/browser/defaults/preferences/autoconfig.js"
[root@deb-11-firefox ~] mkdir -p /usr/share/firefox-esr/browser/defaults/preferences
[root@deb-11-firefox ~] echo 'pref("general.config.filename", "firefox.cfg");' > $autoconfig_js
[root@deb-11-firefox ~] echo 'pref("general.config.obscure_value", 0);' >> $autoconfig_js

4. Clean up and shut down the template

If you have anything else other than user.js in QubesIncoming, don’t run the first command (or do, if you want to remove it).

[root@deb-11-firefox ~] rm -r /home/user/QubesIncoming
[root@deb-11-firefox ~] unset autoconfig_js firefox_cfg user_js
[root@deb-11-firefox ~] shutdown -h now

Section 2: Policies

1. Define your policies:

This part is very subjective so you should consider what you personally need. If you want to start from scratch, you should open a text editor in a vm and begin writing a policies.json file structured as follows:

    "policies": {
        <your policies go here>

Then head over to GitHub - mozilla/policy-templates: Policy Templates for Firefox and find what’s important to you. You will see that for each policy, implementations for different OSs are provided: you need to scroll to the end of each policy until you find the policies.json section, then copy the key-value pair and insert it in the template shown above.
If you don’t know what you’re doing, you can paste your code in one of many json validators, such as https://jsonlint.com/, in order to see if you’ve made any mistakes.

Below, I provide a very minimal policies.json file which will disable a few things (telemetry, studies, Pocket), reject cookies, enable fingerprinting protection, install two extenstions (NoScript, Ublock origin), add Startpage engine, uninstall non-privacy friendly search engines, block access to location data, and replace the welcome screen (usually shown for new profiles) with a plain homepage with a search-bar:

    "policies": {
        "Cookies": {
            "Behavior": "reject-tracker-and-partition-foreign",
            "ExpireAtSessionEnd": true,
            "Locked": false
        "DisableFirefoxStudies": true,
        "DisablePocket": true,
        "DisableTelemetry": true,
        "EnableTrackingProtection": {
            "Value": true,
            "Locked": true,
            "Cryptomining": true,
            "Fingerprinting": true
        "ExtensionSettings": {
            "*": {
                "installation_mode": "blocked"
            "{73a6fe31-595d-460b-a920-fcc0f8843232}": {
                "installation_mode": "normal_installed",
                "install_url": "https://addons.mozilla.org/firefox/downloads/latest/noscript/latest.xpi"
            "uBlock0@raymondhill.net": {
                "installation_mode": "normal_installed",
                "install_url": "https://addons.mozilla.org/firefox/downloads/latest/ublock-origin/latest.xpi"
        "FirefoxHome": {
            "Search": true,
            "TopSites": false,
            "SponsoredTopSites": false,
            "Highlights": false,
            "Pocket": false,
            "SponsoredPocket": false,
            "Snippets": false,
            "Locked": false
        "HardwareAcceleration": false,
        "Homepage": {
            "URL": "about:home",
            "Locked": false,
            "StartPage": "homepage"
        "OverrideFirstRunPage": "about:home",
        "Permissions": {
            "Location": {
                "BlockNewRequests": true,
                "Locked": true
        "SearchEngines": {
            "Add": [
                    "Name": "Startpage",
                    "URLTemplate": "https://www.startpage.com/sp/search?query={searchTerms}",
                    "Method": "GET",
                    "IconURL": "https://www.startpage.com/sp/cdn/favicons/favicon--dark.ico",
                    "Alias": "@startpage",
                    "Description": "Startpage",
                    "SuggestURLTemplate": "https://www.startpage.com/sp/search?query={searchTerms}"
            "Remove": [

Also note that the following policy will block the installation of additional addons:

"*": {
    "installation_mode": "blocked"

If you want to install addons after the browser profile has been created, you need to remove that policy. Otherwise you can enable additional addons like I did with ublock and noscript, by setting installation_mode to allowed.

2. Enable your policies:

Start your firefox template (for example deb-11-firefox) and place the json file in /usr/lib/firefox-esr/distribution/policies.json (make sure to replace /PATH/TO/SAVED/policies.json with the actual location of the file you made):

[root@deb-11-firefox ~] mkdir -p /usr/lib/firefox-esr/distribution
[root@deb-11-firefox ~] cat /PATH/TO/SAVED/policies.json > /usr/lib/firefox-esr/distribution/policies.json
[root@deb-11-firefox ~] shutdown -h now

3. Remove existing profiles from the dvm-template:

To avoid profile fingerprinting, make sure there are no profiles in your dvm-template. To remove them, run the following:

[user@deb-11-firefox-dvm ~] rm -r /home/user/.mozilla
[root@deb-11-firefox-dvm ~] shutdown -h now

All done!


Thanks for the good instructions. However, I had no luck with installing extensions as explained above. ExtensionSettings worked fine, though,

Weird, it’s working fine for me, but since Mozilla has started to recommend ExtensionSettings I may switch.

Could you share the kind of implementation that worked for you? As in, did you use "installation_mode": "allowed" + id or "installation_mode": "force_installed" + url?


	"policies": {
		"ExtensionSettings": {
			"uBlock0@raymondhill.net": {
				"installation_mode": "force_installed",
				"install_url": "https://addons.mozilla.org/firefox/downloads/latest/ublock-origin/latest.xpi"

I would also strongly suggest disabling hardware GUI acceleration.

Like I mentioned, I provided a very minimal example and everyone should consider what they need.

Regardless of the scope, why are you recommending disabling acceleration? Does it have security implications?

It is not disabled by Tor Browser, so I’m kinda curious.

Not security. Performance. Since we have no GPU available within domU, routing that via OpenGL software emulation layer consumes a lot of computational resources. If you remove it, everything becomes much more snappy.

Fair, I’ll test it and eventually propose it in the example.
Do you have some benchmarks?

No, but i think any browser performance test should do.

disabling GUI acceleration didn’t seem to help with this

Tried with firefox-esr and tor-browser

Because that’s not the scope. Read the replies just above.

And if you read the article you shared, you’ll see that there’s no mention of GPU acceleration, but instead the WebGL API is used. So if you want to avoid that kind of fingerprinting, now you know what to disable (or disable javascript entirely, also mentioned in the article).

BTW with Tor browser the canvas fingerprint differs each time. So it says you are “unique” but this uniqueness is ephemeral.


You are unique…just like everyone else.


I had to make some changes to get this to work. As mentioned by @corvus-ch I used the ExtensionsSetting. Also I couldn’t get the homepage to load. This required changing the firefox.cfg
replacing pref(“browser.startup.page”, 0); with pref(“browser.startup.page”, 1); and commenting out
//pref(“browser.startup.homepage”, “about:blank”);
After making those changes it would listen to my Homepage settings in policy.json.


I’m working on my own policies file as I speak but I’m having a bit of trouble with adding new search engines.
I’m trying to add this here and here’s what I put in so far for it.

"SearchEngines": {
      "Add": [
          "Name": "SearX Web",
          "URLTemplate": "https://searx.neocities.org/#q=%s&category_general=on",
          "Method": "POST",
          "IconURL": "https://searx.neocities.org/favicon.ico",
          "Alias": "X-Web",
          "Description": "Random SearX Redirector",
          "PostData": "#q=%s&category_general=on",
          "SuggestURLTemplate": "https://searx.neocities.org/#q=%s&category_general=on"

I’m not quite sure I got any of this right, since I’m new to policies and JSON at all.
Any help please?

You’re mixing POST with GET. Try this (fix the indentation when you paste it into your json):

"Add": [
        "Name": "SearX Web",
        "URLTemplate": "https://searx.neocities.org/#q={searchTerms}&category_general=on",
        "Method": "GET",
        "IconURL": "https://searx.neocities.org/favicon.ico",
        "Alias": "X-Web",
        "Description": "Random SearX Redirector",
        "SuggestURLTemplate": "https://searx.neocities.org/#q={searchTerms}&category_general=on"
1 Like


I just updated the policies.json: I removed deprecated policies and replaced them with the new ones, and added a few other things like HardwareAcceleration and SearchEngines.

In case you’re still using deprecated policies, it is recommended to update your templates.

Also note that the following policy will block the installation of additional addons:

"*": {
    "installation_mode": "blocked"

If you want to install addons after the browser profile has been created, you need to remove that policy. Otherwise you can enable additional addons like I did with ublock and noscript, by setting installation_mode to allowed.

Thanks very much for the guide.
I have a question for if this were to be applied to a template for an appVM instead of a disposable. How would one deal with updater/prefsCleaner? Would you have to apply it manually for each appVM that is based off the disposable? If so, would there be any other option, since it seems mildly inconvenient?

If you do that, you will only have the “clean” setup the first time you open that AppVM. The next time you use it, it will remember everything you did the first time (minus whatever you configure your browser to forget).

If you need to make an adjustment to the way it looks the first time (e.g., you want to add another plugin), you’d want to stick with the disposable template/DVM way, but make your change in the disposable template by running it exactly once and reconfiguring it–then shutting it off and never running it again; only the DVM. However you will be advised that now you can be fingerprinted because your startup settings are slightly different from those used by other installs of Arkenfox’s configuration. (If that doesn’t matter to you, great!)

Yup, I am fine with that. I just wanted an easy way to install arkenfox on appVMs from a template since I use a lot of different qubes.
In terms of an arkenfox update however, I was wondering how one would deal with that, since a template only provides the base. I suppose I could just write a script for that though, thank you.