hey guys, i am really new to qubes and i’ve been experimenting for a while now. everything seems to work quite fine, except for the touchpad that sometimes stops working and after 30 seconds it comes back again.
But i have encountered one big problem, while trying to create a new netVM based off of a template with the mac anonimizer configuration i saw that i cannot access the devices attached to each VM in the GUI, the devices tab is there but i cannot click it.
I tried attaching my net card to the vm using the terminal then, and the qvm-pci command doesn’t seem to work:
[user@dom0 ~] $ qvm-pci
Failed to list 'pci' devices, this device type either does not exist or you do not have access to it
this already wasn’t looking good. since qvm-pci wouldn’t work i tried lspci, wich turned out working, so i pulled the BDF of my card from there and tried attaching it using qvm-pci, which of course didn’t work:
qvm-pci attach net-macanon dom0:00_xx.x --persistent
quite a few lines of codes went through but the last one had an error that i think aborted the whole thing, sorry if i can’t provide all of the terminal lines but it seems i can’t copy to global clipboard from dom0 terminal, so i have to copy them all by hand. anyways here’s the line with the error:
File "/usr/lib/python3.8/site-packages/qubesadmin/base.py", line 87, in _parse_qubesd_response
raise qubesadmin.exc.QubesDaemonAccessError(
qubesadmin.exc.QubesDaemonAccessError: Got empty response from qubesd. see journalctl in dom0 for details.
i checked journalctl as it said but i can’t really find anything, of course i also don’t know anything so you probably would find something, the problem is, as i said, that i can’ find a way to copy text from dom0 terminal to other VMs so i can’t show the journalctl text right now, i tried everyting but i can’t seem to find a way to copy and pasting the text.
All i can find on journalctl is one thing: AssertionError. it comes up everytim i try to do qvm-pci and presents itself like this:
File "/usr/lib/python3.8/site-packages/qubes/ext/pci.py", line 191, in on_device_list_pci
yield PCIDevice(vm, None, libvirt_name=libvirt_name)
File "/usr/lib/python3.8/site-packages/qubes/ext/pci.py", line 140, in __init__
assert dev_match
this lines have some other lines behind them, they are all similar. it-s accessing some files in qubesadmin and when it gets to this specific file it just aborts everything. the whole thing in journalctl has this line before it:
unhandled exception while calling src=b'dom0' meth=b'admin.vm.device.pci.Available' dest=b'dom0' argb'' len(untrusted_payload)=0
traceback (most recent call last):
~and here starts the list of files that are accessed and that ends with the previously cited lines~
one thing i found was that this same error appeared when trying the attachment of my net card too. so it was the cause of the abort of both qvm-pci and the attempt of attachment of my net card. seems like qubes can’t read what devices are there, but it can read them using lspci… i’m really lost.
another thing i can say is that this problems have persisted through multiple installations, probably about 3. all of them done with a fresh iso of qubes.
if it can help i am on an asus f415 i think, the one with 11th gen i3.
i apologise for my probable errors in writing this post but i’m quite tired and english isn’t really my first language.
If anyone could help me i would be really really grateful, i can’t seem to find any info about this and i’m worried there probably isn’t anything to do and will probably be stuck without any mac spoofing for life ;_;
thank you in advance, i feel like i still forgot some info that would probably be helpful, but they don’t come to my mind, i’ll update later if they do. oh qubes version is 4.1 rc2. 4.0 installation wouldn’t even start so i had to stick with this.