Does anyone know if whonix 16 for qubes still in test or is it ready to go live and replacing whonix15?
Thank you
Does anyone know if whonix 16 for qubes still in test or is it ready to go live and replacing whonix15?
Thank you
50 posts were merged into an existing topic: Issues Testing Installing Whonix 16 in Qubes 4.1 (beta)
Whonix 16 update on R4.04 was unexpectedly smooth. The salt script really did a great job.
Has this issue been fixed: Testing whonix-ws-16 and whonix-gw-16? If not, it needs to be fixed in a hurry or I will lose all ability to update (see Can't update)
so, @pr0xy , this is not completely smooth.
It was fixed a while ago. You can also clone sys-whonix as sys-whonix-15 (based on whonix-gw-15) and keep it around as a backup.