What would you say if we gathered here creative ideas for making qubes os wallpapers? Do you like high tech wallpapers or do you prefer something minimalist like the one I made?
Epic thread idea @sebuq and great work there!
Dropping here some from the Qubes Artwork repo. Credit to the original authors. Find many more on the repo:
Here they go:
The following is where I borrowed my user pic from and which is actually the forum favicon (the logo in each tab)
Qubes OS map. Colors are based on qubes os style-guide
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bump!!! (very nice!)
How about a fake looking Windows desktop, for when I am trying to look inconspicuous.
A post was split to a new topic: Windows Camouflage for Qubes
Windows HVM and then ALT+F11 ?
What about an unofficial Qubes mascot? Any suggestions?
Bear in mind I’m an amateur artist. My skills with GIMP and Inkscape are rudimentary. So I decided to start easy by adapting other Linux wallpapers. I came from Manjaro and this was one of my favorites. Everything except the background hemisphere was produced from scratch in Inkscape.
A post was merged into an existing topic: Windows Camouflage for Qubes
I personally think it would be a neat feature if the Qubes logo itself was saved as a png with transparent background so you could pick the main background color yourself without limiting it to only the default gray
Edit: The point of doing it that way would obviously be to avoid moving random files from the internet into dom0, but upon further research it seems there are already a variety of different qubes logos in /usr/share/backgrounds
I’m still using this own made wallpaper since qubes r3.1 day up to nowadays (r4.1) with i3wm, later with i3-gaps.
Finished the OS-tan at last. Also used sebuq’s wallpaper.
Onion shaped earrings (and violet tie) - TOR
Cap - Xen
Dark blue color - Fedora