Youtube @60 fps low performance

CPU - 13980HX (the most powerful CPU atm)
HT is off.
E-cores disabled.
FHD display
HWP: performance (~5.2ghz)

4 vcpu vm
cpu load: ~130%
Youtube vp09, FHD@60
30% dropped frames at full screen.

Why? Where is the bottleneck? Is it qubes engine and nothing you can do with it? Or my settings?

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Did you disable the YouTube cinematic lighting option?


Its called “ambient mode”. I disabled it and 0% dropped frames. Thank you!


Ive literally been going through post for days, Youtube performance on my T480S was UNUSEABLE, tried a million things recommended in other threads…not a single one mentioned “ambient mode”… literally this improved the experience far more than anything else I tried… I can actually use Youtube now lol.