I didn’t know if this was related to the guide so I didnt put this as a reply but I probably should have. It sounds like I messed up my stubdom folders (I don’t really know what those are). I Did take a backup of dom0 via the backup tool but I am guessing it only does the HOME folder of dom0?
In order to prevent from messing things up I copied the various scripts in bash scripts So
My Stubdom-linux-rootfs Procedure
I ran the following in my users dom0 HOME folder which has my Downloads, Documents folders etc.
Bash Script 1
mkdir stubroot
cp /usr/libexec/xen/boot/qemu-stubdom-linux-rootfs stubroot/qemu-stubdom-linux-rootfs.gz
cd stubroot
gunzip qemu-stubdom-linux-rootfs.gz
cpio -i -d -H newc --no-absolute-filenames < qemu-stubdom-linux-rootfs
rm qemu-stubdom-linux-rootfs
nano init
Which makes a stubroot folder
Edit the Stubdom-linux-rootfs
After the line starting by “audio_model=”, add:
# Extract network parameters and remove them from dm_args
audio_args=$(echo "$dm_args" | sed -n '/^-qubes-audio:/p')
dm_args=$(echo "$dm_args" | sed '/^-qubes-audio:/d')
get_audio_arg() {
echo "$audio_args" | sed -n 's/^.*[:,]'$1'=\([^,]\+\).*$/\1/p'
And in the rest of the file, replace
module-vchan-sink domid=0
module-vchan-sink domid=$(get_audio_arg 'audiovm_xid')
Save and close the file. Then run:
Bash Script 2
find . -print0 | cpio --null -ov \
--format=newc | gzip -9 > ../qemu-stubdom-linux-rootfs
sudo mv ../qemu-stubdom-linux-rootfs /usr/libexec/xen/boot/
Then it said
Redo the same things but for the file “stubdom-linux-full-rootfs”
So I deleted the stubroot folder out of my home directory and then I took the exact same Bash scripts and changed them to add the word FULL in like so:
My Stubdom-linux-full-rootfs Procedure
Bash Script 1 FULL
mkdir stubroot
cp /usr/libexec/xen/boot/qemu-stubdom-linux-full-rootfs stubroot/qemu-stubdom-linux-full-rootfs.gz
cd stubroot
gunzip qemu-stubdom-linux-full-rootfs.gz
cpio -i -d -H newc --no-absolute-filenames < qemu-stubdom-linux-full-rootfs
rm qemu-stubdom-linux-full-rootfs
nano init
Edit the Stubdom-linux-full-rootfs
After the line starting by “audio_model=”, add:
# Extract network parameters and remove them from dm_args
audio_args=$(echo "$dm_args" | sed -n '/^-qubes-audio:/p')
dm_args=$(echo "$dm_args" | sed '/^-qubes-audio:/d')
get_audio_arg() {
echo "$audio_args" | sed -n 's/^.*[:,]'$1'=\([^,]\+\).*$/\1/p'
And in the rest of the file, replace
module-vchan-sink domid=0
module-vchan-sink domid=$(get_audio_arg 'audiovm_xid')
Save and close the file. Then run:
Bash Script 2 FULL
find . -print0 | cpio --null -ov \
--format=newc | gzip -9 > ../qemu-stubdom-linux-full-rootfs
sudo mv ../qemu-stubdom-linux-full-rootfs /usr/libexec/xen/boot/