Template is set to None, net qube is set to sys-firewall and storage is set to 100 GB, but only Kernel cannot be selected as none, (provided by qube)(current), or Windows 10 installation is The screen disappears midway through the installation.
I have not used the QWT tool because I have heard that there are security issues, but can I somehow set the Kernel to none? There may be some other problem…
Thanks. It was because I hadn’t disabled memory balancing, I was only focused on the kernel not being none. I was able to successfully install Windows 10.
The memory is initially 10 GB, with a maximum of 16 GB, and the Qube OS files have not been changed manually. I have refrained from the patch system now, as I have touched it before and found it hard to undo.
AudioQube is too difficult for me to realise, but if I could enable pulseaudio on startup with systemctl, for example, it would be a bit easier. But one day I would like to implement AudioQube.
I have tried to restart DisposableVM, but when I reboot DisposableVM, I still have to type this command to get a proper connection to the soundbar. If it is AppVM, the effect of this command remains even after rebooting, so the connection is still possible, but…,
Hmm, I tried entering and enabling this command in both default-dvm in the APPS field and default-dvm in the TEMPLATES field, shutting down and then starting disposableVM, but I still couldn’t get Bluetooth to connect to the soundbar as it was. It seems that I have to enter the command once to enable it.
I wish there was some other option to enable it automatically, but maybe I am doing something wrong in the procedure.
I’m not sure why it’s not working for DispVM but works for AppVM.
Check the service status in DispVM and its disposable template AppVM, maybe there will be some info:
This was executed immediately after starting DispVM.
user@YN:~$ systemctl --user status pulseaudio ○ pulseaudio.service - Sound Service Loaded: loaded (/usr/lib/systemd/user/pulseaudio.service; enabled; preset:> Active: inactive (dead) TriggeredBy: pulseaudio.socket
AppVM is not rebuilt from scratch after a reboot like DispVM, and I had assumed that pulseaudio would be enabled/started after a reboot if the enable/start command was entered once. This has not been tried, but it appears that pulseaudio also needs to be enabled/started and enabled/started after reboot.
Sorry, I just restarted pulseaudio on the AppVM side after enabling/starting it and checked the status, and it was inactive. So the behaviour here is the same as dispVM. Something may need to be configured in a script that runs on startup, such as autostart.
The scripting is a bit difficult, so I’m going to give it a miss this time as I might try and break the system again. But I am glad I found the autostart description, I was looking for how to autostart the AppImage file.
It might be a good idea to first set up the autostart of the AppImage, and then take the steps to be able to autorun the systemctl scripts. Thank you very much.