Why Lenovo IdeaPad Gaming 3 15ARH7 - Type 82SB NOT Support

Firstly, the method worked
but there is a problem I will attach pictures to make the problem clear
After installation, this screen appears

I’m not changing anything

Then it appears again

I’m not changing anything

Then this error appears

These are pictures from inside the system

When I run any Template The system reboots
I hope the pictures explain the problem

Did you enable virtualization in BIOS?

Yes it is Enable

Did you enable IOMMU (AMD-Vi) as well?

Where do I find this option…I don’t expect it to be in the BIOS

Check the BIOS manual for your laptop. I can’t access support.lenovo.com myself to check it (access denied from Tor).

Maybe it’s a hidden BIOS option, I saw the messages that some lenovo BIOS hide it.

Maybe you can check if IOMMU is enabled in Qubes OS dom0 terminal with this command:

dmesg | grep -i -e AMD-Vi -e IOMMU


But anyway I don’t think that templates would fail to start because of missing IOMMU.
I guess the issue is somewhere else.

You can try to check the dom0 logs using journalctl command to see the reason for the reboot after you start the template.

You can also try to install the Qubes OS with latest kernel, maybe there are some bugs for you hardware drivers in the stable kernel that are fixed in the latest kernel.
There is a separate option in the Qubes OS installer menu to use the latest kernel.

Ok I will download Cubes again and check it and then I will install again and see what happens
Thank you for following up on my issue

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Well, I downloaded a new version, checked it, installed it, and chose the latest version of the kernel
The result: nothing changed
But while installing Fedora and whonix, when the installation is finished, it suddenly reboots. I am sure this is the reason, but I do not know why this thing happens.
These are pictures of the output you requested

Is this with 4.2.1 or 4.2? Could you try the other version and see if it helps?

The LVM errors seems that you may not have formatted the whole disk again?

Can you search through the log using PgUp/PgDown Up/Down keys the point in time where the PC rebooted during Fedora and Whonix installation and make a pictures of the messages before the reboot?

i will try

happened with 4.2.1
I did not succeed in installing the older version

It seems to be the problem of the century
I don’t know how to show what’s happening in the background. I tried all the keys to no avail

You can save the log in dom0 terminal:

journalctl > journalctl.log

And then copy it in another system to check it there or upload it here.

i will run qubes now and i will try this command

Nothing happened

The log was saved to the file journalctl.log in your home directory.

Do you have some other system installed on this laptop to copy this file there? Or you can use some Live OS to copy this file to USB drive and move it to another PC.

I’m not sure that your USB drives will be accessible from dom0 by default so you’d have to use another system for this.

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journalctl.log (‏2.0 ‏م.ب)