VLESS obfuscation VPN

VLESS obfuscation VPN

The goal is to create a proxy VM, routing all traffic through a remote server
via VLESS protocol. The protocol mimics a long-running https session of Chrome
and is hard to detect by DPI systems. It is needed when wireguard is blocked.

See also: How to use wireguard in Qubes.

Setting up the server

This part is based on the article from habr.com (in Russian).


wget https://github.com/XTLS/Xray-core/releases/download/v1.8.1/Xray-linux-64.zip
sha256sum Xray-linux-64.zip
7b0584f0a89b155a8d54cbb5f78f94c2ec04a6caadcd2edb2268bdb9f8e7bb1e  Xray-linux-64.zip
mkdir /opt/xray
unzip ./Xray-linux-64.zip -d /opt/xray
chmod +x /opt/xray/xray
vim /usr/lib/systemd/system/xray.service
systemctl enable xray

Write to /usr/lib/systemd/system/xray.service:

Description=Xray Service
After=network.target nss-lookup.target

ExecStart=/opt/xray/xray run -config /opt/xray/config.json


Improve performance:

echo "net.core.default_qdisc=fq" >> /etc/sysctl.conf
echo "net.ipv4.tcp_congestion_control=bbr" >> /etc/sysctl.conf
sysctl -p

Generate parameters

Choose popular domain name which is not blocked and not suspicious,
ideally hosting in the provider hosting your server.
Here we will use dl.google.com.

Let’s say the external IP address of your server is

Generate keys:

$ /opt/xray/xray uuid
96b2d74b-442c-42f1-ba2a-171387270227       <-- User ID
$ /opt/xray/xray x25519
Private key: OGhyT8zDmW2_omke7z84lJA0EsoDJ6Bdmm1eEt00hGE
Public key: U2qtkS5yxwxjDL48X_OPn39Zf_MWYlVQLk4oBr6R_io
$ openssl rand -hex 8
16423edce09410f7                           <-- Short ID

User ID and Public key are the same for all users of the server.
For each client you should generate new Short ID.

Write config

Write to /opt/xray/config.json:

  "log": {
    "loglevel": "none"
  "routing": {
    "rules": [],
    "domainStrategy": "AsIs"
  "inbounds": [
      "port": 443,
      "protocol": "vless",
      "tag": "vless_tls",
      "settings": {
        "clients": [
            "id": "96b2d74b-442c-42f1-ba2a-171387270227",
            "email": "user1@myserver",
            "flow": "xtls-rprx-vision"
        "decryption": "none"
      "streamSettings": {
        "network": "tcp",
        "security": "reality",
        "realitySettings": {
          "show": false,
          "dest": "dl.google.com:443",
          "xver": 0,
          "serverNames": [
          "privateKey": "OGhyT8zDmW2_omke7z84lJA0EsoDJ6Bdmm1eEt00hGE",
          "minClientVer": "",
          "maxClientVer": "",
          "maxTimeDiff": 0,
          "shortIds": [
      "sniffing": {
        "enabled": false,
        "destOverride": [
  "outbounds": [
      "protocol": "freedom",
      "tag": "direct"
      "protocol": "blackhole",
      "tag": "block"

Make sure to replace things:

  • dl.google.com with the site you have chosen
  • 96b2d74b-442c-42f1-ba2a-171387270227 with your User ID
  • OGhyT8zDmW2_omke7z84lJA0EsoDJ6Bdmm1eEt00hGE with your Private Key
  • 16423edce09410f7 with your Short ID

Start the server

systemctl restart xray

Make sure the server pretends to be dl.google.com

In some machine, put the following to /etc/hosts. dl.google.com

Open “dl.google.com” in browser on that machine.
It should work properly.

Now shutdown the server:

systemctl stop xray

The site should stop working.

Now start it again:

systemctl start xray

Remove the line from /etc/hosts.

Setting up proxy VM on Qubes

Install software

Create new qube, check box “provides network access to other qubes”.
Let’s call the VM “vless”.

In that VM you need to download sing-box binary and write config for it.
I will put the binary and the config to the home directory /home/user.

wget https://github.com/SagerNet/sing-box/releases/download/v1.3.6/sing-box-1.3.6-linux-amd64v3.tar.gz
sha256sum sing-box-1.3.6-linux-amd64v3.tar.gz
10f0c2f12e594af112594af9e54fae0c0d79cd91d2460d09377a89176a24141f  sing-box-1.3.6-linux-amd64v3.tar.gz
tar -xf sing-box-1.3.6-linux-amd64v3.tar.gz
mv sing-box-1.3.6-linux-amd64v3/sing-box .


Write config in file sing-box-config.json in directory /home/user:

  "dns": {
    "independent_cache": true,
    "rules": [
        "query_type": [
        "server": "dns-block"
        "domain_suffix": ".lan",
        "server": "dns-block"
    "servers": [
        "address": "",
        "detour": "proxy",
        "strategy": "",
        "tag": "dns-remote"
  "inbounds": [
      "auto_route": true,
      "domain_strategy": "",
      "endpoint_independent_nat": true,
      "inet4_address": "",
      "interface_name": "nekoray-tun",
      "mtu": 1500,
      "sniff": true,
      "sniff_override_destination": false,
      "stack": "gvisor",
      "strict_route": false,
      "tag": "tun-in",
      "type": "tun"
  "log": {
    "level": "info"
  "outbounds": [
      "domain_strategy": "",
      "flow": "xtls-rprx-vision",
      "packet_encoding": "xudp",
      "server": "",
      "server_port": 443,
      "tag": "proxy",
      "tls": {
        "alpn": [
        "enabled": true,
        "reality": {
          "enabled": true,
          "public_key": "U2qtkS5yxwxjDL48X_OPn39Zf_MWYlVQLk4oBr6R_io",
          "short_id": "16423edce09410f7"
        "server_name": "dl.google.com",
        "utls": {
          "enabled": true,
          "fingerprint": "chrome"
      "type": "vless",
      "uuid": "96b2d74b-442c-42f1-ba2a-171387270227"
      "tag": "dns-remote",
      "type": "dns"
  "route": {
    "auto_detect_interface": true,
    "final": "proxy",
    "rules": [
        "outbound": "dns-remote",
        "protocol": "dns"

Make sure to replace things:

  • with actual IP address of the server
  • dl.google.com with the site you have chosen
  • 96b2d74b-442c-42f1-ba2a-171387270227 with your User ID
  • U2qtkS5yxwxjDL48X_OPn39Zf_MWYlVQLk4oBr6R_io with your Public Key
  • 16423edce09410f7 with your Short ID

This config sends all traffic through the server, including DNS requests which
are served by Google DNS. DNS traffic is also sent through the server.
If you don’t need DNS part, you can remove parts of the config related to DNS.


Run the command:

sudo /home/user/sing-box run -c /home/user/sing-box-config.json

Check your IP:

$ curl ip4.me/api/
IPv4,,v1.1,,,See http://ip6.me/docs/ for api documentation

You should see your server’s IP address in the output.

Setup auto run

Write to /rw/config/rc.local:

/home/user/sing-box run -c /home/user/sing-box-config.json

Then chmod +x /rw/config/rc.local

Setup Qubes firewall

Then go to Qubes firewall settings of vless qube and limit
outgoing connections to TCP
(Replace with actual IP address of the server.)
Then do to dom0 console and use qvm-firewall command to remove unneeded exceptions for ICMP and DNS:

$ qvm-firewall vless
... 4 rules, including unwanted DNS and ICMP rules ...
$ qvm-firewall vless del --rule-no 1
$ qvm-firewall vless del --rule-no 1
$ qvm-firewall vless
... 2 rules ...

Restart the qube and make sure it still works.

Put another qube behind vless and make sure it has network access
and has IP address of the server.

On Android

Install APK from Github releases.

Modify the following link, replacing with your values:


Replace things:

  • with actual IP address of the server
  • dl.google.com with the site you have chosen
  • 96b2d74b-442c-42f1-ba2a-171387270227 with your User ID
  • U2qtkS5yxwxjDL48X_OPn39Zf_MWYlVQLk4oBr6R_io with your Public Key
  • 16423edce09410f7 with your Short ID (you need new Short ID, not the same you used in Qubes)

Then import the link to the app: copy the link, click (+) button and
select “Import from clipboard”. Enable the tunnel by clicking pink
button in the bottom of the app.

If you are getting message like “failed to install VPN”, maybe you are using
another VPN on the phone already. You need to disable it first.

For other clients check the article from habr.com (in Russian).


Thanks for the helpful guide. I’m trying to replicate it but encountered an error. I created an empty text file and transformed it to sing-box-config.json. Next, I added the required data.
Then I try sudo /home/user/sing-box run -c /home/user/sing-box-config.json , but encounter a run error.

What is my error?

greenweb, from the error is looks like short_id had wrong length. It should look like 16 hex symbols (0-9a-f). Can you confirm, that your short_id matches this requirement, please?

I apologize for confusing you with my screenshot. I have solved the problem with short_id. The main problem on the screenshot is “runtime error index out of range 8 with length 8”.

1 Like

I try to repeat your guide, but encounter an error at the step “sudo /home/user/sing-box run -c /home/user/sing-box-config.json”
debian 11 server, debian 11 vm. qubes 4.1
sys-net vm < sys-firewall vm < vpn1-vless vm < vpn1-firewall vm < vpn2-vless vm
vless works fine in the vpn1-vless vm cube

curl ip4.me/api/ in vpn2 vm result:

user@vpn2-vless-nl:~$ sudo /home/user/sing-box run -c /home/user/sing-box-config.json
INFO[0000] router: updated default interface eth0, index 2
INFO[0000] inbound/tun[tun-in]: started at nekoray-tun
INFO[0000] sing-box started (0.33s)
INFO[0010] [4057855932 1ms] inbound/tun[tun-in]: inbound packet connection from
INFO[0010] [4057855932 1ms] inbound/tun[tun-in]: inbound packet connection to
INFO[0010] outbound/vless[proxy]: outbound connection to
INFO[0010] outbound/vless[proxy]: outbound connection to
ERROR[0010] dns: exchange failed for ip4.me. IN A: Post "": reality verification failed
ERROR[0010] dns: exchange failed for ip4.me. IN AAAA: Post "": context canceled
INFO[0015] [1939972979 0ms] inbound/tun[tun-in]: inbound packet connection from
INFO[0015] [1939972979 0ms] inbound/tun[tun-in]: inbound packet connection to
INFO[0015] outbound/vless[proxy]: outbound connection to
INFO[0015] outbound/vless[proxy]: outbound connection to
ERROR[0015] dns: exchange failed for ip4.me. IN AAAA: Post "": reality verification failed
ERROR[0015] dns: exchange failed for ip4.me. IN A: Post "": context canceled

I tried configuring the vpn on another server, but the result is the same. How can I try to diagnostic the problem?

Please re-check that all the parameters are filled correctly. Also take a look at server logs (available via journalctl).

I have done some tests. It seems vless doesn’t work with the scheme “sys-net vm < sys-firewall vm < vpn1-vless vm < vpn1-firewall vm < vpn2-vless vm” I changed the vpn chain for the tests. “sys-net vm < sys-firewall vm < vpn1-wireguard vm < vpn1-firewall vm < vpn2-vireless vm” . In this scheme vm vpn2-vless vm worked…
Any thoughts on how to diagnose the problem with the vpn1-vless<–vpn2-vless scheme?


Try to disable sniffing in the config:

       "sniffing": {
-        "enabled": true,
+        "enabled": false,

Also change “loglevel” from “info” to “none”.

A chain of two VLESS may not work, because first VLESS sends traffic of internal VLESS into real google.com server (or what ever domain you used) instead of sending it to next VLESS server.

The settings were left from debug. I’m updating the original post to fix it there as well.

Your method did not solve the problem :frowning:
I will add some information:

  1. first vless vm uses discord.com to mask traffic and google dns. Using other domains for cloaking in the second vm did not help.
  2. Is it possible to use a different dns for the vm?
    I tried using quad9 (https://dns.quad9.net/dns-query) but I get the error " FATAL[0000] create service: parse route options: parse dns server[dns-remote]: missing address_resolver"

I reproduced the problem. I’ll debug it on the weekend.

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Hi, I am also facing the same problem with vless>vless working. Did you manage to solve the problem? Thanks for your topic.