Use qubes-sync with multiple clients and one server

This guide uses unman’s qubes-sync to sync directories from multiple qubes to a single qube while using chroots to prevent client qubes from accessing other qubes’ files.

The goal of this is to allow for easier backup from a single qube, or to use software like syncthing to keep multiple devices in sync without requiring network access in client qubes.

Qube creation

Create an appvm to be the server qube. In the instructions replace $SERVERNAME with the name of this qube.

Create an appvm to be the client qube. In the instructions replace $CLIENTNAME with the name of this qube.

Template setup

These instructions should be done in the template qube (i.e. debian-11).

Install dependencies:

sudo apt install openssh-server sshfs

Create /lib/systemd/system/qubes-ssh-forwarder.socket (note that ConditionPathExists is in unman’s source, but is removed here):

Description=Forward connection to ssh over Qubes RPC



Create /lib/systemd/system/qubes-ssh-forwarder@.service:

Description=Forward connection to ssh over Qubes RPC

ExecStart=/usr/bin/qrexec-client-vm '' qubes.ssh

Create /etc/qubes-rpc/qubes.ssh:

exec socat STDIO TCP:localhost:22

Then mark it as executable:

sudo chmod +x /etc/qubes-rpc/qubes.ssh

Shut down the template and (re)start the server and client qubes.

Set up directories

Run this on $SERVERNAME:

sudo mkdir -p /rw/syncdir/authorized_keys

To make sure that client qubes aren’t able to access files outside of their directories, it’s important to configure chroot:

Create a new file /rw/syncdir/sshd_config-addition on $SERVERNAME:

AuthorizedKeysFile /rw/syncdir/authorized_keys/%u

Match Group sftponly
    ChrootDirectory %h
    ForceCommand internal-sftp
    AllowTcpForwarding no
    X11Forwarding no
    PasswordAuthentication no

Append this to /rw/config/rc.local on $SERVERNAME:

groupadd sftponly
cat /rw/syncdir/sshd_config-addition | sudo tee -a /etc/ssh/sshd_config


Add clients

Run this in $CLIENTNAME

# Run this command, accept defaults for no password
# Copy the generated key to the server qube
qvm-copy /home/user/.ssh/

Run this in $SERVERNAME:

# Create user for qube
sudo useradd -g sftponly -s /usr/sbin/nologin -d /rw/syncdir/$CLIENTNAME sync-$CLIENTNAME
# Set up directory for user to chroot to
sudo mkdir /rw/syncdir/$CLIENTNAME
# Set up writable directory for user
sudo mkdir /rw/syncdir/$CLIENTNAME/writable
sudo chown sync-$CLIENTNAME /rw/syncdir/$CLIENTNAME/writable
# Set up ssh keys for user
sudo mv /home/user/QubesIncoming/$CLIENTNAME/ /rw/syncdir/authorized_keys/sync-$CLIENTNAME
sudo chown root:root /rw/syncdir/authorized_keys/sync-$CLIENTNAME
sudo chmod 644 /rw/syncdir/authorized_keys/sync-$CLIENTNAME
systemctl restart sshd

Append this to /rw/config/rc.local in $SERVERNAME:

useradd -g sftponly -s /usr/sbin/nologin -d /rw/syncdir/$CLIENTNAME sync-$CLIENTNAME

Append this to /etc/qubes/policy.d/30-user.policy in dom0:

qubes.ssh    *    $CLIENTNAME    @default    allow    target=$SERVERNAME

Run this in $CLIENTNAME

mkdir /home/user/sync

Connect client to server


systemctl start sshd


systemctl start qubes-ssh-forwarder.socket
sshfs -p 840 sync-$CLIENTNAME@localhost:/writable /home/user/sync

Start qubes-sync automatically

Append this to /rw/config/rc.local on $SERVERNAME. This must come after all useradd commands:

bash -c "sleep 10 && systemctl restart sshd"

Append this to /rw/config/rc.local on $CLIENTNAME:

systemctl start qubes-ssh-forwarder.socket
sudo -H -u user -i sshfs -p 840 sync-$CLIENTNAME@localhost:/writable /home/user/sync


  • To let multiple qubes access the same files, append the for each new qube to /rw/syncdir/authorized_keys/sync-$CLIENTNAME. When connecting, use sshfs as the user that has access to the directory (use ls -l to check ownership of the directory).
  • Bind-dirs is not used for sshd_config. You may want to set this up instead of appending controls using rc.local
  • The sftponly group and all users are created when the server qube is started. Changing the order that users are created in rc.local or adding a new user in the template may change gid or uid for users and break permissions.
    • If this happens you can either assign uid and gid manually, or chown using the new ones.
    • Or instead of creating groups/users/configs on boot, you can modify sshd_config and create the group and users in the template (and remove all lines from rc.local in $SERVERNAME)


Is there anything that’s unclear or should be changed? Feedback is welcome!

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Getting this to work using the fedora-38-xfce template on Qubes 4.2 beta required a few tweaks:

  • I had to comment out the “AuthorizedKeysFile .ssh/authorized_keys” line in /etc/ssh/sshd_config. Otherwise the “AuthorizedKeysFile /rw/syncdir/authorized_keys/%u” line in sshd_config-addition didn’t take

  • Update the semanage policies

sudo semanage fcontext -a -t ssh_home_t “/rw/syncdir/authorized_keys(/.*)?”
sudo restorecon -v /rw/syncdir/authorized_keys
sudo restorecon -v /rw/syncdir/authorized_keys/sync-$CLIENTNAME

  • I also had trouble with the ownership of the /rw/syncdir/$CLIENTNAME directory. After following the instructions, the owner of the directory was set to sync-$CLIENTNAME and the group to sftponly. This led to an sshd error: “fatal: bad ownership or modes for chroot directory “/rw/syncdir/$CLIENTNAME” [postauth]”. Changing the owner to root and changing the permissions to 0554 solved the problem for me.

A note to others who are, like me, inexperienced with sshd: I found it helpful to add “LogLevel DEBUG3” to sshd_config-addition and run journalctl -fu sshd while sorting through my problems with getting connected.

Thanks to Marisoc for publishing this great guide!