Ubuntu 20.04 LTS Conundrum

Hi everyone, I need ROS Noetic Desktop Full for a class. Problem is that it needs to be run on Ubuntu Focal (20). Newer Ubuntu versions are not supported. qubes.3isec.org/Templates/ seems to have previously had a Ubuntu Focal template, but it doesn’t exist anymore (only Ubuntu Jammy (22) and Noble (24) are available). My college has provided a .ova Ubuntu VM with all the programs pre-installed, but of course this isn’t recommended for use in qubes (Can I import a prebuilt (.ova) vm image into qubes). So afaik my only other options are to pay for a VPS with Ubuntu 20.04 or to make my own template. Using the .ova to make a standalone qubes vm or paying for a VPS are really my only two options since I have no experience building my own template from scratch. What do you all recommend?

You could also install Ubuntu 20.04 as a standalone (standalone HVM) BUT without the advantages of the templates and app qubes.


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Thanks. I’ve set up a standalone HVM but I of course don’t have any qubes packages. Am I dead in the water with this or could I install some?

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Maybe you could build the Ubuntu 20.04 template or Qubes tools using the qubes-builder but I think you’ll have dependency issues because Qubes OS 4.2 may require for templates to have latest Qubes tools versions to work but latest Qubes tools could have dependency on never version of packages (e.g. on never python version) that are not available in Ubuntu 20.04.

I think the trouble to go through all that isn’t going to be worth it when, as you said, I’ll probably run into dependency issues.

I plan to just use this for file transfer: virtual machine - Qubes-OS transfer files from and to HVM - Unix & Linux Stack Exchange

It is what it is. I only have to deal with it for a semester. Thanks for the advice.

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In order to do as you state " import a vm image" you can. Follow directions please…
On your windows system

Open CMD as ADMIN ( in folder the folder where you have the vdi img)

Navigate in cmdline to… VBoxManage.exe
Full cmd in cmdline to use

C:\Program Files\Oracle\VirtualBox>VBoxManage.exe clonehd “D:\VM\nameofvm\vmname.vdi” G:\destination folder\vmname.img --format raw

Where C:\ …IS the exe to run
Where D:.…is the destination of .vdi
Where G:.…is the destination of the raw img

Now if your vdi image is 80gb in size…it will increase by x2, which means now your “raw” image file will be around 160gb in size.

Copy over to a ext.SSD/USB and import to your qube, how ever you like. Then follow the process to get over to your destination / buildout