Tuxedo BU1506 fan noise too loud

List the files installed by the package and search for the binary name there:

dnf repoquery -l tuxedo-control-center

failed to download metadata for repo qubes-dom0-cached

Try to run it in fedora AppVM.

So, I installed in in an AppVM and it works. I get the icon and can just load it via GUI.
dnf repoquery gives me several paths. F. e.: /usr/bin/tuxedo-control-center
I don’t have these paths on dom0 after install. So something went wrong.

After adding the repos, I tried to install it via sudo qubes-dom0-update tuxedo-control-center.
So I suppose it’s just the download and not install.

How did you install it in dom0?
Can you post the install log?

After adding the repos, I tried to install it via sudo qubes-dom0-update tuxedo-control-center.
So I suppose it’s just the download and not install.

What was in the install log?
Maybe qubes-dom0-update doesn’t support the custom repos and only supports the default ones. But it’s just a guess.

how can I look for just install logs?

Try to run the command again for a start:

sudo qubes-dom0-update tuxedo-control-center

Check the logs in:


I get “dnf will only download packages for the transaction”
The logs show me nothing to this try (suppose, because it was just the download, but no install).
I get also ‘usr/lib/qubes/dom0-updates/packages/*.rpm’ failed with exit code 1!

I also get “Failed to set locale, defaulting to C.UTF-8” in dom0 terminal. Don’t know, if it can has something to do with the problem.

Can you post the whole install log?

it is a part of it, after I even tried to install via dnf and then tried via qubes-dom0-update again:

2023-12-26T15:49:35+0100 DDEBUG Command: dnf install tuxedo-control-center
2023-12-26T15:49:35+0100 DDEBUG Installroot: /
2023-12-26T15:49:35+0100 DDEBUG Releasever: 4.2
2023-12-26T15:49:35+0100 DEBUG cachedir: /var/cache/dnf
2023-12-26T15:49:35+0100 DDEBUG Base command: install
2023-12-26T15:49:35+0100 DDEBUG Extra commands: ['install', 'tuxedo-control-center']
2023-12-26T15:49:35+0100 DEBUG User-Agent: constructed: 'libdnf (Qubes OS 4.2; generic; Linux.x86_64)'
2023-12-26T15:49:35+0100 DEBUG error: Curl error (37): Couldn't read a file:// file for file:///var/lib/qubes/updates/repodata/repomd.xml [Couldn't open file /var/lib/qubes/updates/repodata>
2023-12-26T15:49:35+0100 WARNING Errors during downloading metadata for repository 'qubes-dom0-cached':
  - Curl error (37): Couldn't read a file:// file for file:///var/lib/qubes/updates/repodata/repomd.xml [Couldn't open file /var/lib/qubes/updates/repodata/repomd.xml]
2023-12-26T15:49:35+0100 WARNING Error: Failed to download metadata for repo 'qubes-dom0-cached': Cannot download repomd.xml: Cannot download repodata/repomd.xml: All mirrors were tried
2023-12-26T15:49:35+0100 WARNING Ignoring repositories: qubes-dom0-cached
2023-12-26T15:49:35+0100 DDEBUG timer: sack setup: 237 ms
2023-12-26T15:49:35+0100 INFO No match for argument: ^[[1mtuxedo-control-center^[(B^[[m
2023-12-26T15:49:35+0100 DDEBUG Cleaning up.
2023-12-26T15:49:35+0100 DDEBUG Plugins were unloaded.
2023-12-26T15:49:35+0100 SUBDEBUG
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/usr/lib/python3.11/site-packages/dnf/cli/main.py", line 67, in main
    return _main(base, args, cli_class, option_parser_class)
  File "/usr/lib/python3.11/site-packages/dnf/cli/main.py", line 106, in _main
    return cli_run(cli, base)
  File "/usr/lib/python3.11/site-packages/dnf/cli/main.py", line 122, in cli_run
  File "/usr/lib/python3.11/site-packages/dnf/cli/cli.py", line 1057, in run
    return self.command.run()
  File "/usr/lib/python3.11/site-packages/dnf/cli/commands/install.py", line 118, in run
    raise dnf.exceptions.PackagesNotAvailableError(_("Unable to find a match"),
dnf.exceptions.PackagesNotAvailableError: Unable to find a match: tuxedo-control-center
2023-12-26T15:49:35+0100 CRITICAL Error: Unable to find a match: tuxedo-control-center
2023-12-26T16:06:56+0100 INFO --- logging initialized ---
2023-12-26T16:06:56+0100 DDEBUG timer: config: 4 ms
2023-12-26T16:06:56+0100 DEBUG Loaded plugins: builddep, changelog, config-manager, copr, debug, debuginfo-install, download, generate_completion_cache, groups-manager, needs-restarting, pl>
2023-12-26T16:06:56+0100 DEBUG DNF version: 4.18.0
2023-12-26T16:06:56+0100 DDEBUG Command: dnf clean packages
2023-12-26T16:06:56+0100 DDEBUG Installroot: /
2023-12-26T16:06:56+0100 DDEBUG Releasever: 4.2
2023-12-26T16:06:56+0100 DEBUG cachedir: /var/cache/dnf
2023-12-26T16:06:56+0100 DDEBUG Base command: clean
2023-12-26T16:06:56+0100 DDEBUG Extra commands: ['clean', 'packages']
2023-12-26T16:06:56+0100 DEBUG Cleaning data: packages
2023-12-26T16:06:56+0100 INFO 0 files removed
2023-12-26T16:06:56+0100 DDEBUG Cleaning up.
2023-12-26T16:06:56+0100 DDEBUG Plugins were unloaded.

Can you rerun this command:

sudo qubes-dom0-update tuxedo-control-center

And then post its full output here?

Fedora 37 - x86_64                              241 kB/s |  22 kB     00:00    
Fedora 37 - x86_64 - Updates                     34 kB/s |  21 kB     00:00    
Qubes Host Repository (updates)                  24 kB/s | 2.7 kB     00:00    
Copr repo for tuxedo control center              11 kB/s | 1.8 kB     00:00    
Copr repo for tuxedo keyboard                   4.0 kB/s | 1.8 kB     00:00    
Dependencies resolved.
 Package                Arch    Version            Repository              Size
 tuxedo-control-center  x86_64  2.0.11-1.fc37      Tuxedo-Control-Center   89 M
Installing dependencies:
 dkms                   noarch  3.0.12-1.fc37      updates                 80 k
 gc                     x86_64  8.0.6-4.fc37       fedora                 103 k
 gcc                    x86_64  12.3.1-1.fc37      updates                 33 M
 glibc-devel            x86_64  2.36-18.fc37       updates                 85 k
 glibc-headers-x86      noarch  2.36-18.fc37       updates                565 k
 guile22                x86_64  2.2.7-6.fc37       fedora                 6.5 M
 kernel-headers         x86_64  6.5.4-100.fc37     updates                1.5 M
 libappindicator        x86_64  12.10.1-0.fc37     updates                 43 k
 libdbusmenu-gtk2       x86_64  16.04.0-20.fc37    fedora                  40 k
 libxcrypt-devel        x86_64  4.4.36-1.fc37      updates                 29 k
 make                   x86_64  1:4.3-11.fc37      fedora                 542 k
 tuxedo-keyboard        noarch  3.2.14-2           Tuxedo-Keyboard        129 k

Transaction Summary
Install  13 Packages

Total size: 132 M
Installed size: 520 M
DNF will only download packages for the transaction.
Downloading Packages:
[SKIPPED] gc-8.0.6-4.fc37.x86_64.rpm: Already downloaded                       
[SKIPPED] guile22-2.2.7-6.fc37.x86_64.rpm: Already downloaded                  
[SKIPPED] libdbusmenu-gtk2-16.04.0-20.fc37.x86_64.rpm: Already downloaded      
[SKIPPED] make-4.3-11.fc37.x86_64.rpm: Already downloaded                      
[SKIPPED] dkms-3.0.12-1.fc37.noarch.rpm: Already downloaded                    
[SKIPPED] gcc-12.3.1-1.fc37.x86_64.rpm: Already downloaded                     
[SKIPPED] glibc-devel-2.36-18.fc37.x86_64.rpm: Already downloaded              
[SKIPPED] glibc-headers-x86-2.36-18.fc37.noarch.rpm: Already downloaded        
[SKIPPED] kernel-headers-6.5.4-100.fc37.x86_64.rpm: Already downloaded         
[SKIPPED] libappindicator-12.10.1-0.fc37.x86_64.rpm: Already downloaded        
[SKIPPED] libxcrypt-devel-4.4.36-1.fc37.x86_64.rpm: Already downloaded         
[SKIPPED] tuxedo-control-center-2.0.11-1.fc37.x86_64.rpm: Already downloaded   
[SKIPPED] tuxedo-keyboard-3.2.14-2.noarch.rpm: Already downloaded              
Copr repo for tuxedo control center              12 kB/s | 1.0 kB     00:00    
Importing GPG key 0x7CFF4143:
 Userid     : "kallepm_tuxedo-control-center (None) <kallepm#tuxedo-control-center@copr.fedorahosted.org>"
 Fingerprint: AAB0 B0E3 719A 789F 2F36 6C8F 308B 6223 7CFF 4143
 From       : https://download.copr.fedorainfracloud.org/results/kallepm/tuxedo-control-center/pubkey.gpg
Key imported successfully
Copr repo for tuxedo keyboard                    10 kB/s | 1.0 kB     00:00    
Importing GPG key 0xC8A025C4:
 Userid     : "kallepm_tuxedo-keyboard (None) <kallepm#tuxedo-keyboard@copr.fedorahosted.org>"
 Fingerprint: 1013 9AD3 F6AF 687C 3899 88B1 C98C 53DE C8A0 25C4
 From       : https://download.copr.fedorainfracloud.org/results/kallepm/tuxedo-keyboard/pubkey.gpg
Key imported successfully
The downloaded packages were saved in cache until the next successful transaction.
You can remove cached packages by executing 'dnf clean packages'.
'/usr/lib/qubes/qrexec-client-vm dom0 qubes.ReceiveUpdates /usr/lib/qubes/qfile-agent /var/lib/qubes/dom0-updates/packages/*.rpm' failed with exit code 1!

Not sure what’s the problem.
Maybe some problem with signature checking:

puh, but it shows me success of importing the gpg key.
As I understand, it shows me no real error, but don’t want to install.

Check the dom0 journalctl during the package installation. Maybe there would be some errors.

Or when trying to run this command in dom0 updatevm (e.g. sys-firewall) terminal:

/usr/lib/qubes/qrexec-client-vm dom0 qubes.ReceiveUpdates /usr/lib/qubes/qfile-agent /var/lib/qubes/dom0-updates/packages/*.rpm

Maybe check the dom0 updatevm log as well.


Dec 26 16:50:43 dom0 sudo[8552]:      user : TTY=pts/5 ; PWD=/home/user ; USER=root ; COMMAND=/usr/bin/qubes-dom0-update tuxedo-control-center
Dec 26 16:50:43 dom0 kernel: audit: type=1101 audit(1703605843.889:369): pid=8552 uid=1000 auid=1000 ses=3 msg='op=PAM:accounting grantors=pam_unix,pam_localuser acct="user" exe="/usr/bin/sudo" hostname=? addr=? terminal=/dev/pts/5 res=success'

this on sys-firewall (update-VM) gives me empty output.

but what exactly log should I check?

Just for some related errors or failures.
I’m not sure what’s the issue here, so it’s just some random guesses.