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I was trying gnome today, it really does work very well, I’m considering switching my main system to 4.2 just to run gnome.

How do you manage USB devices, do you just manually attach them using the command line, or is there some way to use qui-devices?

you can install gnome-shell-extension-appindicator and enable it to manage usb.

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Hi, does gnome have support for colorized windows border?

Thanks, that makes it a lot easier to use :slight_smile:

Someone asked me how to make a panel with launchers, I wrote it in PM but why not make it public :slight_smile: So here is the procedure in XFCE

  • right click on the top bar, in “Panel” click on “Panel Preferences
  • click on “+” on the top right corner to create a new panel
  • the new panel should automatically be selected in the dropdown near + and -
  • click on “Items” tab
  • Click on Add
  • Click on “Launcher” and then on “Add”, click for each item you want in your panel
  • Click on Close
  • Now, for each Launcher, you need to configure them for a single program (otherwise they turn into a drawer/dropdown menu, but you may want that)
  • Select the launcher, click on the tool icon near remove
  • Click on “+
  • Search for the program to be run by the launcher, click on it and click on Add
  • From here, you can either add more launcher to this icon, turning it into a dropdown, or click on Close and configure the next launcher
  • Done

me on new computer spend the last few days configuring and ricing, heres the look:



What file explorer / settings are you using? I love the style and color highlighting!

It’s the standard Debian/Gnome template with Fluent-dark icons, and the fonts Roboto for normal text and JetBrains for monospace.

To change the color, I used a custom theme based on Nord theme. I color swapped the green theme to cover all the QubesOS colors, except for black and gray.

Hey, how did you change the nautilus theme exactly?
I’ve downloaded the Nordic.tar.xz, extracted it into the template’s path of /usr/share/themes/, executed the
gsettings set org.gnome.desktop.interface gtk-theme Nordic
gsettings set org.gnome.desktop.wm.preferences theme Nordic
the terminal did change, but nautilus didn’t.

You need to edit ~/.config/gtk-4.0/gtk.css, Nautilus will ignore the theme and always use that file.

You can replace ~/.config/gtk-4.0/gtk.css with the Nord theme, and it should make Nautilus follow the theme, but you need to append the content of ~/.config/gtk-4.0/gtk.css to end of the theme css. The file contains some styles that are needed in Debian 12.


I did replace the corresponding gtk file as you said, with the appending from the original one and that did work, but only for the template. I tried to run the gsettings commands on the domU, but that didn’t do the trick.

  1. Do I need to replace the gtk file on each domU in order for the theme to take affect?
  2. How do you handle updates, because as far as I got it, after the updates it return to its default state.
Off-topic, expand for detailsYes. The file `~/.config/gtk-4.0/gtk.css` is located inside the user's _home directory_. (The `~` symbol means `/home/user` - assuming the user is called `user`, which is usually the case in AppVMs.)

As such, that file is persistent in AppVMs, and that’s where you need to edit it in order to apply the theme in an AppVM.

More information about which directories are persistent in which types of VMs can be found in this section of the documentation:

Another approach is to place the edited file inside the /etc/skel directory of the templateVM, but that’s a little more advanced and I’ll let you search for it. (Searching for /etc/skel in your favorite search engine should give you a variety of Linux articles to choose from. That’s not a topic specific to Qubes OS.)

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I completely missed that documentation part, appreciate your help

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I didn’t know most of these customizations even existed before finding this forum. :laughing:
This is my current end result.


Thanks everyone for sharing such helpful tips, Qubes looks and functions so much better for me now!

My current workspace, recreating what happened last Saturday.


Wow, that looks awesome! How did you make a Window’s theme?

He’s running QubesOS inside VirtualBox running on actual Windows :wink: