Salt example: Clone new fedora vm into specialized templates

For compartmentalization and security I normally multiply my Fedora TemplateVM into multiple specialized clones like so:

fedora-37 (untouched)
    fedora-37-general (adds broadly useful, widely-used open source packages)
       fedora-37-print (sketchy printer drivers)
       fedora-37-talk (Zoom, Slack packages)
       fedora-37-media (Commercial Russian video ripping software etc) 

It is painful to manage these by hand since Fedora releases frequently. I have been using a text file with instructions to myself for configuring each clone of fedora.

This year I finally figured out how to use Salt for this purpose. Here is how I do it, in case anyone is looking for example files as a starting place to learn how to manage Qubes with salt. I am still a beginner myself. Feedback / ideas welcome.

If you need an even more basic example, see the one I posted last year, which introduces super rudimentary Salt concepts in relation to Qubes.

All files below live in dom0.

Top-level shell commands

This is the top-level shell script that runs all the salt sls files. Obviously you can extract the individual commands after else if you want to develop your own custom solution iteratively. I call this file with one argument, the number of the fedora version I am customizing, e.g. 37.



set -e #quit on error

if [ -z "$1" ]
    echo "USAGE: fedora-multiply FVERSION"
    sudo qubesctl state.apply fedora-clone-to-general pillar="{\"fedorav\": \"$1\"}"
    sudo qubesctl --skip-dom0 --targets=fedora-$1-general state.apply fedora-general-configure
    sudo qubesctl state.apply fedora-general-multiply pillar="{\"fedorav\": \"$1\"}"
    sudo qubesctl --skip-dom0 --targets=fedora-$1-media state.apply fedora-media-configure

Each command specifies an SLS file to apply after state.apply minus the .sls extension. So state.apply fedora-clone-to-general applies the file at /srv/salt/fedora-clone-to-general.sls.

You will notice some commands have --skip-dom0 --targets=fedora-.... These are dispatched from dom0 to run their SLS files on the VMs listed under --targets=. The commands that do not use these flags run their SLS files only on dom0.

Also, some commands have a pillar passed in as a JSON object with the key ā€œfedoravā€. This is the fedora version and is used to render jinja templates in the SLS files that name and identify the templateVMs.

Below are the SLS files.

Clone fedora to fedora-general

This one clones fedora-XX to fedora-XX-general and copies the open source IBM Plex font out of dom0 into the fedora-XX-general template as well, since I like that font :slight_smile:

Note the first use of jinja templates, using the key/value (ā€œfedoravā€: ā€œ37ā€) we passed in on the command line (in /home/user/bin/ as a JSON object.


    - source: fedora-{{ pillar['fedorav'] }}
    - name: fedora-{{ pillar['fedorav'] }}-general

    - name: qvm-copy-to-vm fedora-{{ pillar['fedorav'] }}-general /home/user/Plex

Configure fedora-general

Configuring fedora-XX-general:


    - name: sudo dnf config-manager --set-enabled rpmfusion-free rpmfusion-free-updates rpmfusion-nonfree rpmfusion-nonfree-updates && sudo dnf upgrade -y --refresh #parameter

    - pkgs:
      - libreoffice
      - keepassxc
      - emacs 
      - libgnome-keyring
      - inotify-tools
      - seahorse
      - seahorse-nautilus
      - brasero
      - xsel
      - zbar
      - evolution
      - aspell
      - aspell-en
      - ruby
      - pavucontrol
      - bind-utils
      - cloc
      - onionshare
      - gimp
      - traceroute
      - whois
      - xclip
      - geteltorito
      - genisoimage
      - java-17-openjdk
      - postgresql
      - python3-psycopg2
      - postgresql-server
      - postgresql-upgrade
      - gpgme
      - dnf-utils
      - python3-gpg
      - youtube-dl
      - transmission
      - zstd
      - libzstd
      - ffmpeg-libs
      - ffmpeg
      - vlc

    - name: sudo mv /home/user/QubesIncoming/dom0/Plex/IBM* /usr/share/fonts && sudo fc-cache -f -v

Clone fedora-general into specialized templates

Cloning fedora-XX-general into specialized templates like fedora-XX-print, fedora-XX-media, etc. Notice this first shuts down fedora-XX-general so that its new configuration is saved before it is cloned:


    - name: fedora-{{ pillar['fedorav'] }}-general

    - source: fedora-{{ pillar['fedorav'] }}-general
    - name: fedora-{{ pillar['fedorav'] }}-talk

    - source: fedora-{{ pillar['fedorav'] }}-general
    - name: fedora-{{ pillar['fedorav'] }}-media

    - source: fedora-{{ pillar['fedorav'] }}-general
    - name: fedora-{{ pillar['fedorav'] }}-print

Configure a specialized template

I automate the setup of fedora-XX-media since it has many additional packages. This uses some more advanced/esoteric packaging options (much of which is to provide prerequisites for specialized media software I need to compile by hand).


    - name:  development-tools

    - name: 'C Development Tools and Libraries'

    - pkgs:
        - gst-devtools
        - HandBrake
        - HandBrake-gui
        - asunder
        - fdkaac
        - zlib-devel
        - openssl-devel
        - expat-devel
        - ffmpeg
        - ffmpeg-devel
        - qt5-qtbase-devel
        - pkgconf-pkg-config
        - glibc-devel
        - mesa-libGLU-devel
        - mesa-libGL-devel

What I do manually

You will notice there is no Salt configuration for fedora-XX-print or fedora-XX-talk. Thatā€™s because itā€™s easier to install the very few additional packages in these templates by hand. They all need to be downloaded manually from various websites. The print driver even needs to be run via an interactive script that asks various configuration questions.


The Qubes-Salt page on lists what it erroneously calls ā€œAll Qubes-specific statesā€; there is a presumably newer and definitely longer list of Qubes states on github.

As has been previously noted in this forum, the qubesctl command will always target dom0, even if you provide an explicit list of --targets=... that does not include dom0. To exclude dom0 as a target always pass the --skip-dom0 flag as I do above.

In my last example tutorial I used top files alongside SLS files. The purpose of top files is to map SLS files to particular machines. I find it easier to simply do these mappings by customizing my call to qubesctl with an explicit --targets=... command (with --skip-dom0 if needed) and then calling a particular SLS file via state.apply. I believe @unman suggested this approach in his reply to my last example tutorial. If you do try and use top files, be aware that each target in the top file can target one or more VMs but will still be run on dom0 regardless of whether this matches the target specification. You need to pass --skip-dom0 to thwart this behavior.


This is a good explanation and I wish I had seen it before I began using salt.

You can, in your sls file, use an if statement (in jinja) checking to see who is running the file.

So if itā€™s something that should ONLY run on my-vm (e.g., states that install software you want on my-vm), then when dom0 runs it nothing happens.

So I suggest going to your VM-specific salt sls files (like /srv/salt/fedora-media-configure.sls) and starting it with:

{% if grains['nodename'] == '<your vm name>' %}

and then of course at the bottom:

{% endif %}

Since grains['nodename'] gives you the name of the VM actually running the salt file.

That way you can safely reference one of these files in a top file, and also if you should otherwise accidentally run it in dom0 (like by forgetting to specify --skip-dom0), youā€™re safe.

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So I suggest going to your VM-specific salt sls files (like /srv/salt/fedora-media-configure.sls) and starting it with:

{% if grains['nodename'] == '<your vm name>' %}

Thanks, great tip! I sort of glazed over the grains interface, but clearly itā€™s very useful.

Yeah, thatā€™s understandableā€¦thereā€™s no real unified guide written for qubes users. (The main salt site assumes a master/minion setup for its stuff, which we really donā€™t have.)

As another example of ā€œsimpleā€ things we sometimes donā€™t know about, I didnā€™t realize until about two weeks ago that you could specify pillar data on the qubesctl/salt command line (something you did here in this tutorial).

That gave me a way to conditionally run something in an sls file run by dom0. I had dozens of very similar files to create qubes (they all called a single jinja include, but there were still ten lines at the top to set name, label, memory size, etc as variables first) and combine them into ONE file that had a big jinja array in it. The pillar data on the command line let me select which part of the array to use; and it just creates that one VM. [Later on I put that info in the pillar which is much better, but also a different topic.] As I said, I got rid of dozens of repetitive SLS files (maintenance headache!) that way.

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Thanks, this is great resource Iā€™m looking forward to. We had recent brief discussion on the subject of automating creation of templates.
Does anyone know how we would be warned about failed cloning due to non-existing package stated in sls? Explicitly or not?
For example, in f37 thereā€™s ā€˜thunarx-pythonā€™ package which doesnā€™t exist in in f38, so if I state it in sls, will I be explicitly warned thereā€™s no such package?

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Iā€™d like to figure out a solution for this scenario myself. Currently it just fails on the fedora-general-configure.sls if a package is missing, so I edit the sls and run that particular command again.

This is actually why the next one, fedora-general-multiply.sls, calls qvm.shutdown before cloning: Normally fedora-XX-general should be shut down automatically if the prior sls succeeded. But if it failed, it will remain open after subsequent runs of fedora-general-configure.sls.

Since Salt seems designed to configure fleets of identical servers rather than for upgrades it seems to lack any provision for checking package lists. A solution would probably involve either a custom Salt state or passing in the package list via pillar after checking/generating it through some other script.

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Use the flag --show-output in your call to qubesctl.
The output will show the status of each call, and where that is a Fail,
the reason - installed will show you something like:

            ID: installed
      Function: pkg.installed
        Result: False
       Comment: Problem encountered installing package(s). Additional info follows:
                    - Running scope as unit: run-rf11e131bb0c34309a008dde0c5dfc22b.scope
                      E: Package 'mbrola-voice-en' has no installation candidate
                      E: Unable to locate package fake-package

You also encounter this sort of issue where you use a salt state for
different distributions.
The sensible approach would be to wrap lines in jinja conditionals, using
grains - that way the state has wider application.
You can get the available grains using qubesctl --skip-dom0 --show-output --targets=XX grains.items
I most often use oscodename or osmajorrelease, but use what suits you.

I never presume to speak for the Qubes team. When I comment in the Forum or in the mailing lists I speak for myself.