Resizing storage in Windows 10 StandaloneVMs


At the moment I am still happy with my freshly configured Windows 10 StandaloneVM. But now I want to resize it from 30 GB to 60 GB. I have read the documentation on, link: . However Windows 10 StandaloneVMs are not explicitly mentioned. Therefore to make it absolutely sure I am asking about best practice on how to resize Windows 10 StandaloneVMs?

All help is appreciated.

Thank you.

Best Knut

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For me (in Windows 7), a two-step proceeding has worked:

  • First, increase the image files via the Qube manager, i.e. changing the private/system storage max. size.
  • Then, within windows, change the volume sizes, using the storage manager (in the computer management console) or an external tool like MiniTool Partition Wizard.
    After a reboot, Windows should know and use the additional space.

Just to make sure: Create a clone before performing these operations, so you can fall back if anything goes wrong, Good luck!!!


(added “storage” keyword to the title to avoid confusion with the window size, which is another issue people have)

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Is it possible to delete the existing Windows Qube and recreate without access to W10 installation media?

Thank you so much for your precious help!!! Now everything is working fine with Microsoft Windows 10.

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Good discussion and very useful for me too. :blush: Thanks for that!

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