R4.2.3 Printing Install Issues

R4.2.3 Printing install Issues

I’ve been running qubes for about two weeks having installed this on a
Lenovo P50 with 32 gig ram and 1000 gig drive. I have progressed through
the install phase and begun to use the OS closely following the documents
and guidelines published.

My main issue involves printing. Since I have HP printers I am obliged to
employ for my case hplip-3.24.4 along with cups. I understand the multiple
comments that printer drivers are sources for security problems so it would
be prudent to install printer associated software in a separate VM. My problem
is that I have continuing problems with running hplip and receiving the
message that it can not contact cups. Running cups install confirms that
cups is installed and working.

I would appreciate direction on how to complete the printer install since at the
moment I just continue getting the same messages over and over. The OS
seems quite well designed and I would like to put it in service in a
production environment but without printer operation this would prove to
be a problem.

was just about to make a thread. I just upgraded to 4.2 from 4.1 with a fresh install. and I can’t seem to figure out how to install my network printer. On the old qubes I would just make a cloned template for a dispoable vm. setup the printer with cups, with system-config-printer with temp network access. Then remove network access and then view a document in disposable vm to print.

But now when I setup with system-config-printer it tells me the service can’t start. and when I try to install cups it says its deprecated. Am I missing something. Is it not longer possible in qubes because of the recent vulnerability with cups. Is there any way to print anymore? lol Someone help a newb out.
Thanks for all the help in advance.


ok I seen the answer in another thread. I had to install cups in the template I needed. but the key was to enable the service. I couldn’t see it in the qubes manager but I saw the poster show the command done in DOM0 is " qvm-service --enable (name of your qube) cups." Then I restarted my template qube and the service is working allowing me to add my printer in the printer settings. Thanks again.

one more thing. I also had to add the cups service to the disposable vm I will be printing from in addition to the template. it was listed in the drop down menu in qubes manger in the services tab of the vm to easily add. I made this the default disposable. but kept the default dvm for the system vms.

like to know the identity of the other thread that you mention in the second message. Appreciate your help

It could be:

– but that’s just a guess after a quick search for qvm-service --enable cups dom0 on the forum … there are several other suggestions from the search function … :-/


Have another question. Have installed my HP 1020 laserjet on the debian-12-xfce template VM. Since this printer does not have a specific driver for cups to use I need to install hplip package. I do that through getting hplip-X.X.X.run from another source. When run the install program needs to download the specific plugin for that printer to work in a debian environment. R 4.2.3 default install does not allow template access to HP site or any other site to get the plugin. I understand the danger in allowing a template VM to access the internet but I need to get the plugin otherwise the printer will not work.
So my question is how do I handle this even on a short term basis?