Quick Quality-of-Life Improvements

VM Management

  • Free up dom0 disk space - [dom0] sudo journalctl --vacuum-time=1d @renehoj

  • Reduce VM boot time - Debian 12 only - [TemplateVM] Enter sudo cp /lib/systemd/system/systemd-binfmt.service /etc/systemd/system, then delete After=local-fs.target from /etc/systemd/system/systemd-binfmt.service @renehoj

  • Shut down selected window’s VM - [dom0] Create /bin/halt-vm-by-window.sh (expandable), make it executable (chmod +x), then map to shortcut @tasket

    CUR_WIN_ID=`xdotool getwindowfocus`
    CUR_VM=`xprop _QUBES_VMNAME -id $CUR_WIN_ID |cut -d \" -f2`
    qvm-run $CUR_VM 'xdotool search --name "Mozilla Firefox" key ctrl+q'
    qvm-run $CUR_VM 'xdotool search --name "Mozilla Thunderbird" key ctrl+q'
    sleep 4
    /usr/bin/qvm-shutdown $CUR_VM  --wait --timeout=40
  • Open selected window’s VM’s terminal [dom0] Create /home/user/bin/open_terminal.sh (expandable), make it executable (chmod +x), then create key binding. To open as root, replace qvm-run with qvm-run -u root @unman

    ID=`xdotool getwindowfocus`
    QUBE=`xprop _QUBES_VMNAME -id $ID|cut -f2 -d\" `
    if [[ "$QUBE" == "_QUBES_VMNAME:  not found." ]]; then
      qvm-run $QUBE /usr/bin/qubes-run-terminal &
  • Open selected window’s template VM’s terminal - [dom0] Create /home/user/bin/open_template_terminal.sh (expandable), make it executable (chmod +x), then create key binding. To open as root, replace qvm-run with qvm-run -u root @renehoj

    CUR_WIN_ID=`xdotool getwindowfocus`
    CUR_VM=`xprop _QUBES_VMNAME -id $CUR_WIN_ID |cut -d \" -f2`
    CUR_VM_TEMP=`qvm-prefs $CUR_VM template`
    qvm-run -q -a --service -- $CUR_VM_TEMP qubes.StartApp+qubes-run-terminal
    exit 0
  • Memory warning notifications - [dom0] Create the files below as needed, then for each file: chmod +x [FILENAME], enter crontab -e, then add */5 * * * * [FILENAME] and save @ddevz

    FREE_MEMORY=$((`free -m | grep '^Mem' | awk '{print $7}'`))
    if (( $FREE_MEMORY < 500 )); then
        notify-send  --expire-time=360000 --urgency=critical 'dom0: Low memory' "Remaining: $FREE_MEMORY MBs"
    FREE_MEMORY=$((`xl info | grep free_memory | sed 's/^.*:\([0-9]*\)/\1/'` / 1000))
    if (( $FREE_MEMORY < 8 )); then
        notify-send --expire-time=360000 --urgency=critical 'Xen: Low memory' "Remaining: 


Input Devices



  • Send files directly to external storage mounted in other qube - [AppVM] Run the code below (expandable), then copy/move your file(s) @SteveC

    In destination qube:

    In the following instructions [ORIGIN QUBE] is the qube name without brackets or slashes!

    mkdir ~/QubesIncoming
    mv ~/QubesIncoming/[ORIGIN QUBE] ~/QubesIncoming/[ORIGIN QUBE]_backup
    ln -s [MOUNT POINT] ~/QubesIncoming/[ORIGIN QUBE]



  • Toggle NetVM of qube in focus - [dom0] In dom0 create the following script, make it executable (chmod +x), and bind to keyboard shortcut (expandable) @Bearillo Alternative version @den1ed

    CUR_WIN_ID=$(xdotool getwindowfocus)
    CUR_VM=$(xprop _QUBES_VMNAME -id $CUR_WIN_ID | cut -d \" -f 2)
    if [[ "$CUR_VM" != *"not found"* ]];then
    	if ! qvm-prefs "$CUR_VM" netvm | head -c1 | grep -E '.';then
    		while read -r line
    			if [[ "$line" == "anon-vm" ]];then
    		done <<< $(qvm-tags "$CUR_VM")
    		ANSWER=$(notify-send -A Y="Yes" -A N="No" "Grant $TEXT network access to $CUR_VM" "Do you want to grant $TEXT network access to $CUR_VM?")
    		if [[ "$ANSWER" == "Y" ]];then
    			if [[ "$TEXT" == "DEFAULT" ]];then
    				qvm-start --skip-if-running $(qubes-prefs default_netvm) &&
    				qvm-prefs "$CUR_VM" netvm -D &&
                    		notify-send "Granted $CUR_VM $TEXT network access!" "The netvm of $CUR_VM was set to $(qvm-prefs "$CUR_VM" netvm)."
    				qvm-start --skip-if-running sys-whonix &&
    				qvm-prefs "$CUR_VM" netvm sys-whonix &&
    				notify-send "Granted $CUR_VM $TEXT network access!" "The netvm of $CUR_VM was set to $(qvm-prefs "$CUR_VM" netvm)."
           	qvm-prefs "$CUR_VM" netvm None
    		notify-send "Disconnected $CUR_VM from network!" "The netvm of $CUR_VM was set to None (n/a)."
  • Keep WiFi off by default on boot - [TemplateVM] In sys-net’s template, create /var/lib/NetworkManager/NetworkManager.state containing the code below (expandable) @Bearillo

  • Soft toggle WiFi - [dom0] qvm-run sys-net -- "if nmcli radio wifi | head -c1 | egrep 'e'; then nmcli radio wifi off; else nmcli radio wifi on; fi" (can be mapped to shortcut) @Bearillo


Video playback


Bug workarounds



  • View dom0 update history - [dom0] Enter dnf history to view update events; enter dnf history info [EVENT ID] to view event details. Also works for Fedora in general @adw

  • Automatically log into dom0 on boot [dom0] In /etc/lightdm/lightdm.conf, uncomment and set autologin-user=[your dom0 username] @renehoj

  • Decrease time to login prompt / autologin [dom0] sudo systemctl edit qubes-vm@.service, then insert lines [Service] then Type=simple in the active section @a_lurker_no_more

  • Disable notifications per VM - Fedora-XFCE only - [AppVM] Run xfce4-notifyd-config, then xfconf-query -c xfce4-notifyd -p /do-not-disturb --set true @solene

  • Trigger the QubesOS widgets via keyboard - [dom0] Create a script containing the code below (expandable), make it executable (chmod +x) and bind to keyboard shortcut @Bearillo


    Call this script with either the argument devices (so widget-click.sh devices) or domains to open the respective widget.

    # call with argument 'devices' or 'domains'
    sleep 0.1
    eval $(xdotool search --onlyvisible --name "qui-$1" getwindowgeometry --shell)
    xdotool mousemove $X $Y click 1 mousemove restore
  • Trigger the QubesOS app menu via keyboard - [dom0] In dom0 create a script containing the code below (expandable), make it executable (chmod +x) and bind to keyboard shortcut @Bearillo


    Note that you may need to adjust the numbers if your screen is not 1080p.

    eval $(xdotool getmouselocation --shell)
    xdotool mousemove 5 5
    gdbus call --session --dest org.qubesos.appmenu --object-path "/org/qubesos/appmenu" --method org.freedesktop.Application.Activate "{}"
    if [ $X -lt 720 ] && [ $Y -lt 775 ]; then
    	X=720	# prevent the mouse from selecting items in the app menu when opening it with the keyboard
    fi		# note that these values may need adjusting if using a screen with a resolution other than 1080p
    xdotool mousemove $X $Y
  • Create a custom mode for launching apps quickly- i3 only - [dom0] Open ~/.config/i3/config, then add the contents of config.append (expandable) . Alter shortcuts and qube names as needed. @q4u

    # Replace example appVM and names/commands with your own
    set $mode_launcher Launch: [e]macs [m]ail [s]ignal
    bindsym $mod+o mode "$mode_launcher"
    mode "$mode_launcher" {
    bindsym e exec qvm-run app-dev "emacsclient -c -a 'emacs'"
    bindsym s exec qvm-run app-signal signal-desktop
    bindsym m exec qvm-run app-mail thunderbird
    bindsym Escape mode "default"
    bindsym Return mode "default"
  • Open selected window’s VM’s terminal - i3 only - [dom0] Open ~/.config/i3/config, then add bindsym $mod+Return exec qubes-i3-sensible-terminal. To open as root, replace qubes-i3-sensible-terminal with qubes-i3-sensible-terminal.root. Alter shortcut as needed. @ruza

  • Screenshot a window - [dom0] Create /bin/screenshot_VM.sh (expandable), make it executable (chmod +x), then map to shortcut. @steffen and other contributors on Github

    # lets the user take a screenshot based on rectangular selection and sends it to the currently focused VM
    CUR_WIN_ID=`xdotool getwindowfocus`
    CUR_VM=`xprop _QUBES_VMNAME -id $CUR_WIN_ID | cut -d \" -f 2`
    if [[ "$CUR_VM" != "_QUBES_VMNAME:  not found." ]]; then
      xfce4-screenshooter -r -o "qvm-copy-to-vm $CUR_VM"
      notify-send "Screenshot sent!" "Your selection has been sent as a screenshot to $CUR_VM!"




This is a thread where we collect quick tips and tricks that can improve the Qubes experience.

Feel free to add your tip to this wiki post (anyone can edit this)



  1. Your tip should contain as few words as possible
  2. If your tip can’t be condensed into a few lines, it doesn’t belong here
  3. If your tip is niche with regard to Qubes users, it doesn’t belong here*
  4. Follow the established style convention
  5. Give credit, even to yourself, and link to the original (if needed, also post your tip as reply so you have a link)

* “What’s niche?” is going to spawn a lot of debate and angst, but this constraint is necessary to prevent the post from getting bloated and mostly irrelevant


I’d add Disable notification per XFCE Qubes (do not disturb mode) because notifications can be really annoying at time, and knowing how to disable notifications per qube can be useful


19 posts were split to a new topic: Send files directly to external storage mounted in other qube

Command to soft switch WiFi on and off (bind to keyboard shortcut or put into a script):

qvm-run sys-net -- "if nmcli radio wifi | head -c1 | egrep 'e'; then nmcli radio wifi off; else nmcli radio wifi on; fi"

To keep WiFi off by default on boot, drop the file /var/lib/NetworkManager/NetworkManager.state with the following content in sys-net’s template:

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@Bearillo @SteveC
I can see many people using these
Feel free to add them to the top post (it’s a wiki post, so anyone can update it)

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I just remembered from my CPU survey that there’s a limit to how many user mentions a single post can contain. This post should reach that limit quickly, but I want to see if there’s a way to get around that limit before I start removing them (i.e. “Does mod fairy dust fix this?”)

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Thanks for updating the wiki
I reformatted your entries; please check for technical accuracy

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It does. One can now mention up to 100 people. Thanks for bringing it up!


Thanks for book-bossing this. I added just a bit more. If it’s too much feel free to cut.

And I’ve added one about how to protect against the rather obnoxious consequences of accidentally shutting down sys-usb.

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I added the Cursor / Manual hide the mouse cursor procedure.

Posting the original to serve as a thread-splitting header before I summarize it.

Is there a Discourse/Markdown/HTML guru here? I need a way to indent the details tab/expander so that it’s flush or deeper than a level 1 bullet, making it clear that it’s part of the preceeding entry.


  • Level 1 bullet
Uncooperative details tab
Please help me tame this rebellious tab (with code block)
  • Level 1 bullet

The challenge is to keep a code block inside the tab while indenting it. This would hugely improve the flow of the document. I’m this close to issuing a bounty for this since it’s driving me mad.

Edit: Forgot to include the code block condition
Edit 2: The solution: use two spaces, not four–Two extra spaces is the difference between breezing through life and looking like a dunce



Er, I meant can you do it with a code block inside?

Like this?

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Wow. Why does it fail so horribly when I try to do the exact same thing?
I’m saying this while looking at your reply’s source code since I have quasi-mod privileges and I’m just confused. Does Markdown have something against me?

Edit: The solution: use two spaces, not four–Two extra spaces is the difference between breezing through life and looking like a dunce

Anyways a big thank you!

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Moved posts for “Send files directly to external storage mounted in other qube” to its own thread

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May I suggest using */2 * * * * or even */5 * * * * to reduce the number of useless call by a factor 2 or 5?

I mean, this would save you when you accidentally stop sys-usb, I don’t think this is very common but very annoying when it happens. I think waiting 2 or 5 minutes instead of less than 60 seconds seems reasonable when it happens, so it wastes less CPU cycles trying every 60 seconds :smiley:

That’s not really wasting that much, but still, the frequency is very high here and I don’t know how complex qvm-start code is behind that, it must call a lot of python code which is extremely CPU inefficient.

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I don’t know the inner workings of qvm-start, but I think it’s safe to assume that the --skip-if-running parameter makes it check before doing anything, so the cost of running it every minute should be minimal.

It stills needs to run python3, evaluate all the required libraries and check the qube is started to abort.