Have you considered that Qubes may be a honeypot?
As a typical PC user I have to just take peoples word for it that qubes is secure and all I really may be doing is telling the world that I have something to hide while gaining no added privacy.
I would assume government agents dont need qubes so who is it for? It seems as though most security people find an OS like Kali to be plenty secure. It sure is easier in Kali or Arch to know exactly what processes are running on your machine. and how they got there. Also as far as I know on Kali or Arch only one process can be hidden with a process hider. On qubes their are endless terminals so maybe endless programs could be hidden. I have no clue because I am not a computer scientist.
I am not the one to take advise on technical matters but I am elite when it comes to smelling BS and critical thinking and this place certainly has a fishy smell.
After reading this it smells even worse as providing Firefox with less security than many other browsers along with no native tools to know if you are being surveilled seems more consistent with a honeypot than with a reasonably secure OS.
But I am just an idiot so take it for what it is worth witch could very well be nothing. But really just ask yourself if any of this makes sense, When I trust the words of others it does but when I think about my gut it says fishy fishy fishy.
One thing I do know is you would have to be nuts or a computer scientist to trust qubes for anything other than political dissidence against an “enemy” of the United states and its “allies”. Even the encryption is a joke against an adversary with the ability to farm out decryption to every windows machine on the planet or more than likely use all the bitcoin mining machines as a network of encryption cracking processor units.
Either way it appears to be more about giving people protection from random criminals and a false sense of security than about actual security. Do we really think we have any idea what the US has? Do we really think we even have a clue what decryption algorithms the US government has? Sure with what we know it sounds reasonably secure but in case people have not noticed it has been atleast 20 years since the public has been aware of what the cutting edge of computing has been.
If you think DARPA cant make Luks2 its B/tch you have not been paying attention. Well sorry for the rant and I am sure its tldr but I am autistic and have a compulsion to speak my mind sometimes.
sorry for wasting your time and good luck!