Qubes OS 4.2.0-rc5 Install Error (X startup failed)

Installing Qubes OS for the first time. This is a brand new computer with no OS on it.


  • Motherboard: PRO Z790-P WIFI
  • GPU: RTX 4060
  • CPU: i7-13700K
  • Storage: 2GB NVMe SSD
  • RAM: 2x32 DDR5 6400MHz

The main issue I’m encountering now is “X startup failed, aborting installation”.

Things I’ve tried:

  • Following the installation troubleshooting guide for this error (see below for my attempts)
  • Searching on the forum and online. This post looked promising but the solution didn’t work for me.
  • Using multiple different USB drives, USB ports and USB flashing applications.

Here are some of my attempts:

UEFI/CSM *IGD/PEG Kernal Latest nouveau.modeset=0… **noexitboot=1… nosplash Secure Boot and Fast Boot Disabled ***Resulting Error
UEFI IGD No No No No Yes multipathw
UEFI IGD Yes No No No Yes X startup failed
UEFI IGD No Yes No No Yes multipathw
UEFI IGD No No Yes No Yes multipathw
UEFI IGD Yes Yes No No Yes X startup failed
UEFI IGD No No No Yes Yes multipathw
UEFI IGD Yes No No Yes Yes X startup failed
UEFI IGD Yes Yes No Yes Yes X startup failed
UEFI PEG No No No No Yes X startup failed
CSM PEG No No No No Yes X startup failed
CSM PEG Yes No No No Yes X startup failed
CSM PEG No Yes No No Yes X startup failed
CSM PEG Yes Yes No No Yes X startup failed
CSM PEG No No Yes No Yes X startup failed
CSM PEG Yes No Yes No Yes X startup failed

*=Using CSM mode with IGD causes the screen to stop working, which is why you don’t see any such combination in the table. I had to learn this the hard way.
**=The “noexitboot=1…” command used with “initrd.img” instead of “intitrd.img” (as written in the documentation), as “intitrd.img” seems to be a typo. Additionally, when used with kernel-latest, “initrd.img” was replaced with “initrd-6.5.10-1.qubes.fc37.img”
***= See table below for full errors:

Error Code Full Error
X startup failed X startup failed, aborting installation
multipathw Started cancel-multipathw-wait-nvme0n1.timer - cancel waiting for multipath siblings of nvme01

(Note both of the boot options were added to the end of the second line, after “quiet”.)

I’m at a bit of a loss since I think I’ve exhausted all the advice I could find online. Maybe I missed something, or maybe there’s something I’m just not aware of since I’m not too familiar with installing Linux distros.

My best guess at this point is that it’s something to do with my GPU, but it doesn’t seem that either of the recommended boot options are working, no matter how I combine them with other settings. I’d like to get GPU passthrough working for gaming at some point, but for now I just want to get Qubes working.

Thank you for your help. :blush:

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Did you try to run “Test Media and Install Qubes"? Was the test successful?

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Yes, I did, and the test was successful.

(The tests were initially unsuccessful due to Windows doing its thing, but I fixed it by following this comment.)

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Did you connect your display to your integrated GPU or to your NVIDIA GPU?
Try to remove NVIDIA from your PC and boot without it using only iGPU.

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I tried connecting the display to the motherboard (iGPU) port and didn’t get any video output, whether I was using DP or HDMI.

If at all possible I’d like to avoid removing the GPU, as I’m not too familiar with how to hook it up again (someone else assembled the computer). Also, I’d be worried that if I get it working without GPU installed, then when I plug it in again it’d change up the PCIe device numbering and break stuff. If it’s the only way I can give it a go but I was hoping there might be some other option. :sweat_smile:

It could be that installer is switching video output to another GPU.
You can try to hide your NVIDIA GPU from installer with rd.qubes.hide_pci but I’m not sure if this option works for installer.

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Might also be due to the installer selecting Wayland as default compositor and this not working with nvidia

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With my 4060 installed in the PC, I need to use the safe graphics option during the installation of Ubuntu

I think safe graphics are the options quiet splash nomodeset

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That worked! Thanks renehoj, and to everyone in this thread! I added “splash nomodeset” onto the end of the second line (the one ending with “quiet”) and it seems everything is working now.

I’ll try making a pull request to get this added to the documentation.

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With my 1060 or my 1050 I don’t need any of that.
Could that just be an issue with the newer GPUs ?

I actually don’t have any graphics displaying, mine is completely text.

But that’s only because I run Linux/BSD/Slackware and the like normally.

So I ALWAYS have “quiet” and “splash” off.