Hi, in some of my VMs, integration between Qubes and Thunar doesn’t work. What I mean by that is, while right clicking on the files in Thunar there are no Qubes specific options anymore - copy to VM, move to VM etc. The packages version between these working and broken templates are the same:
You have this problem with VMs that have some specific template? Or even with the same template some AppVMs are working fine and some AppVMs have this problem?
I changed the template, restarted, the same problem persists.
The problematic ones, are the ones that I created most recently. VM from scratch, they share the same template though.
The configuration is the same for all of them. Just copied few files to change the theme to dark to ~/.config/.
I have one more which use different template, it’s disp template. Both the app disp template and generated disps have the same issues.
I just checked ~/.cache, ~/.config, ~/.local for any hints but nothing unique there.
qubes.StartApp+qubes-open-file-manager-dom0: Failed to connect to session manager: Failed to connect to the session manager: SESSION_MANAGER environment variable not defined