My setup includes external music boxes (Librem 14 → my radio → external boxes), because I can’t stand the Librem 14’s audio (no hate, that is to be expected with laptops…). My radio is OK, that’s not the source of the problem.
My audio has no issues when using internal speakers, but when I plug in the radio music port and switch the output mode (setting “PulseAudio Volume Control” → “Output Devices” → “Port” to “Headphones (unplugged)”), it produces pretty loud cracks.
I guess, this is not a pure hardware problem, because the cracks mostly happen when audio playback gets started and stopped, not that often in between.
This is really concerning to me because the cracks are really loud and disturbing. I am somewhat forced to consume continuous audio output…
Suggestions on how to fix that are much appreciated.
EDIT: It seems to also crack when starting / stopping VMs. This makes me wonder whether that is a problem of PulseAudio somehow not being able to cope with input changes or something…?