OK, I run pihole for a few VM from this doc with is based on Patrizio work. As I prefer NextDNS but this setup work with every DNS that you can think of.
I use debian-minimal with Networking essentials but setup work with every template.
Im not sure why it would make sense. I run a unbound and pihole on a freenas vm and then my router just hands out them with the dhcp-requests to sys-net.
So, you have a AppVM > firewall > pi-hole (freenas vm) > sys-net Qubes setup, correct?
I don’t know either
It was just an idea since we already have a Qubes firewall onboard … so why not having your own DNS (unbound) … malware, regex blocklists … within Qubes (before transmitting anything to your router).
The RPi pi-hole with its web interface is already doing an awesome job. My main question, is there any advantage / disadvantage to have it running as Qube vs. on a SBC (wrt privacy and security)?
Here, beside the DNS setup are you also interested in testing a pi-hole setup for black-/white listing of websites? I would love to have this as a standard option(!) for Qubes OS. At least a community doc to simple setup pi-hole in Qubes OS.
Pi-hole offers so much more like RegEx, Punycode and Emoji-Domains blocking and a super nice and easy web interface.
Both guides mentioned used to work. But they stopped working in qubes 4.1 recently. @unman Can you suggest what may be the reason that Pi-hole VM not picking traffic from downstream VMs.
A few more links can be found here (I never tried them though):
Essentially however you can follow almost any Linux guide to setup your own DNS server inside a regular appVM and then need to get the Qubes networking right. Admittedly the latter is not so easy - at least I needed ~400 loc for that.
Ive been thinking something similar, except pfSense as the sys-net/sys-firewall.
Not only can pfSense replace you router, and do the same dns holing as pihole, but also offers SNORT intuition detection/prevention (IDS/IPS) which is utilized by cisco themselves. pfSense can route selected traffic over VPN, or act as a VPN server, offers complex firewall policies, aliases, and the built in DNS server seems very good too.