Not able to connect to vault from ssh-client VM after setting up Split SSH


First issue was a typo as pointed out here and was fixed accordingly in this post

Second issue was a misunderstanding of how I read the guide as pointed out here. I had assumed that all config would be done in the qube but in this case not. As the title of this section says “In the Template of Your AppVM vault

Third issue was that the section on securing your private key overrides the advice in Test Your Configuration

From the former:

With this configuration you’ll be prompted for entering your password every time you start your vault VM to be able to make use of your SSH key.

From the latter:

  1. If you’re using KeePassXC, shutdown KeePassXC on your vault VM. If not, make sure your private key is not added to the ssh-agent in your vault VM (Check with ssh-add -L). If it is, restart your vault VM and do not enter your password when it asks you to.

For my case, since I wasn’t using KeePassXC, entering the password when the vault VM starts up allowed the configuration test to pass.