No VMs starting on Boot, "Logical Volume Already Exists in dom0", lvremove not working

I have been troubleshooting this for the past 2 hours to no avail… time to make a forum post.

After Qubes froze on me, I hardware reset and then I was unable to type in my user password, but my LUKS encryption I could type in. I disabled my autostart for my USB Qube and now I am able to login.

When I go to start a qube, I get hit with these errors.

Qube Status: sys-net (also duplicate errors for sys-firewall, sys-whonix)
Qube sys-net has failed to start: Logical Volume “vm-sys-net-root-snap” already exists in volume group “qubes_dom0”

I also have gotten this error

Qube Status: sys-net (also duplicate errors for sys-firewall, sys-whonix)
Qube sys-net has failed to start: Logical Volume “vm-sys-net-volatile” already exists in volume group “qubes_dom0”

So -root-snap and -volatile are my problem logical volumes I am getting at.

After reading these guides, I tried to use the lvdisplay and lvremove approach, but am met with some new errors

$ sudo lvremove qubes_dom0/vm-sys-net-volatile
device-mapper: message ioctl on (253:8) failed: File exists
Failed to process message "create_snap 1578 1561"
Failed to suspend qubes_dom0/vm-pool with queued messages.
Failed to update pool qubes_dom0/vm-pool

This same error also comes up as a notification if I try and launch a VM with no network qube assigned.

Let me know what you guys think. I am unable to find any information regarding why lvremove will not work. This problem has been hurting my head so any help would be greatly appreciated :kissing_heart: