The daemon seems to be running, it says: xfce4-notifyd-config --socket-id=62929429
However, running notify-send “test” returns:
GDBus.Error:org.freedesktop.DBus.Error.ServiceUnknown: The name is not activatable
Which reminds me of a clarification. I do get notifications from other Qubes/VMs, just not from dom0, for example when using the global clipboard. And I can run notify-send "test" in any other Qube/VM and it works.
I found solutions to the above error, such as:
But it requires a location for notification-daemon. In dom0 I do not have notification-daemon in /usr/lib.
I’m not quite sure if xfce4-notifyd-config is the proper daemon due to the config suffix.
My notifications (i.e. starting VMs/VMs shutting down) disappeared when I switched to i3 in 4.2. I read this before. Have you switched to i3 or something similar too by any chance? This used to work in 4.1 without manual intervention.
I fixed this pretty much the way it is described in your askubuntu question. Maybe this works for you aswell.
The notification daemon you are looking for is located at /usr/lib64/xfce4/notifyd/xfce4-notifyd. Verify this before though and locate the proper path for you if required. So you end up with something like this: