Has anyone installed i3wm 4.22

Maybe, it should be but you can try a restart and see if it makes it appear

I need this to find the button lol.
It seems to work, however there is a lot to tweak with my 3 monitor mixed 4k setup.

Thank you for your help.

Glad it worked!
If you have any question post them, I’m currently running i3 and I can help with a few things if you need to.

How do I make alt+f3 use the dom0 application-finder and not the one of the currently focussed qube?

Also: How do I start a dom0 terminal?

Edit: I pressed enter when prompted to create a default configuration. My modifier is mod4 (windows)

bindsym Alt+F3 exec --no-startup-id LANG=C i3-dmenu-desktop --dmenu="dmenu -nb #d2d2d2 -nf #333333 -sb #63a0ff -sf #f5f5f5"
This should be enough.
I replaced this with rofi personally

Mod+Enter should be the default (cursor outside of a qube) otherwise you can open dmemu and look for the dom0 terminal

bindsym Alt+F3 exec --no-startup-id LANG=C i3-dmenu-desktop --dmenu="dmenu -nb #d2d2d2 -nf #333333 -sb #63a0ff -sf #f5f5f5"

Did not work. I found another keybinding in the config

bindsym $mod+a --no-startup-id i3-dmenu-desktop --dmenu="dmenu -nb #d2d2d2 -nf #333333 -sb #63a0ff -sf #f5f5f5"

which also did not do anything.
Furthermore, how do I rotate monitors?
I started a dom0 terminal and executed xfce-settings-manager. Any changes to monitor settings did also not change anything.

Edit: Every monitor is currently a seperate workspace.
Is there a way to share a workspace across monitors?

Edit 2: I needed to manually install dmenu in dom0.

Edit 3:
I tried to do

bindsym Alt+F4 exec --no-startup-id xfce-appfinder

which did not work. Then I tried

bindsym $mod+F4 exec --no-startup-id xfce-appfinder

which works fine. Is the Alt key reserved somehow?

Edit 4:
Using Mod1 instead of Alt resolves the issue.

My bad, I’m not using Alt for my configuration but you’re right since it’s an option for the default key.

You need to use xrandr for this with --rotate left/right/normal/inverted

I don’t think this is possible, i3 gives at least 1 workspace per monitor. Maybe this is possible if you merge 2 monitor together with xrandr?

You can use something like autorandr too.

Thanks. I got almost everything working as I want it.
One thing remains:
Do you know how I can edit the font size (or scaling) of qubes app like qube-manager or application-finder?

Did you check xfce4 font settings? I don’t think you can change the font size per application.

yes. Changes there do not have any impact.

But it is working sooo good. How did I managed to work with qubes for years without this zzz?

One more question: How are notifications managed?

Same, my workflow has changed drastically since I switched to i3.

xfce4 notification daemon is still running in the background, so it should work out of the box (if you’re talking about qubes start/shutdown notifications).

Hmm okay. I do not see any notifications. Could a missing dependency be the issue?

Can you check if you have the daemon running in dom0?

ps aux | grep xfce4-notify

Try to open xfce4-notifyd-config to check if it’s in not disturb and if qubes related things are checked in “Applications”. Show a preview too to see if it’s appearing.

@DVM Sometimes I get weird issues, that popups does or switching over firefox tabs leads first to an unresponses app for a while and sometimes crashes. This erros did not happen before setting up i3wm.

Is this a known issue?
May this related to the videoram buffer? I’m working with three monitors and followed the guide (GUI configuration | Qubes OS) to set the correct value, but maybe i3wm requires more?

Sorry for the delay. I’m not experiencing any of this personnaly (I use 2 monitors), I’m still running on 4.1 so maybe it’s related to the new i3 and Qubes versions. I’ll update when I switch to 4.2 but it will take some time.

No problem:)
Alright, I would appreciate updates at any time. I will also do a clean reinstall when qubes 4.2.0 ist out or maybe I wait until 4.2.1.

I switched to 4.2 today, no issue so far with my apps and same for Firefox. I had the notification issue you previously talked about in this thread, I fixed it by creating a dbus service that runs xfce4-notifyd at startup. I also had to fix an i3 4.22 issue with primary/nonprimary monitor that was not working with the help of this commit.

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Very cool to see you this dedicated!

I have another question:
How do I configure the color change for the currently targeted window?
In a non qube distro one can configure the colors via client.focussed and client.unfocussed (from my understanding of the docs), which is fine because one only need two colors.

In qubes there are predefined colors and I want to increase the ‘change’ in contrast/shading.
For me it is very hard to see which window is focused.

In the default i3 config coming from desktop-linux-i3-settings-qubes, you have all the different colors related to qubes (dom0 included). They should be in your config by default (.config/i3/config).
I never tried changing these values myself, but it should be the place where you can change them.

Ahh, there it is. Right in front of me^^ Thanks

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