Mouse Lags in XFCE

I want to use XFCE for a while because of Random Freezes in KDE.

but my mouse and scrolling is lagging alot. I did not have these kind of problems with KDE.
I can’t find anything scary in dmesg. REL

Any tips?

My Specs:
Qubes 4.1.2 (R4.1) x86_64
Kernel 6.1.35-1.qubes.fc32.x86_64
DE: XFCE 4.14
CPU: Intel i7-4790 (4) @ 3.591GHz
GraphicsCArd: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 750 Ti
RAM: 32Gigs

Trying toggling the window compositor:

Menu → system tools → Window manager tweaks → Tab “Compositor”, toggle “Enable display compositing”