Where do I report on hardware that seems to work OK? Also, is there a check list of items to test?
To get the machine working I had to switch from discrete graphics to “switchable” in the bios. Also in the bios, I had to turn on legacy booting.
To get wifi working I had to update the VM kernal from dom0 with these commands.
sudo qubes-dom0-update --enablerepo=qubes-dom0-current-testing kernel
and then, in “Service: sys-net” (from the Q button on the top left of the screen) select “sys-net: Qube-settings”. In the advanced tab, select the latest kernel. For me, it was 5.10.5-1
You will need to run this from the sys-net terminal
opt=$(qvm-prefs --get sys-net kernelopts)
qvm-prefs --set sys-net kernelopts “$opt iwlwifi.disable_rxq=1”
Reboot and you should see the “wifi stairs” to appear.