A bit difficult to have the EFI boot the usb drive, then installation worked nominally.
This machine has the RTL8821CE chipset, so the rtw88_8821ce kernel module problem : wifi does not work, unless the driver problem is fixed (not tried for the moment on this laptop, using an usb rj45 adapter).
All the rest works correctly (fans are a bit noisy though).
@Sven@balko Folks, are we following that new format for the HCL or the old one? I parsed and cleaned one HCL report on the old format yesterday, but I see Balko asking users to go with this new format, which is completely different. I’d like to help somehow, but I’m confused.
I think about it as a separate thing. As qubes-hcl-report is not updated and not even in progress, people will only send usual (as you called old) HCL reports with no additional information. So, current HCL table should probably filled the way @Sven was doing it, right?
I voluntarily ask people these additional questions for several reasons:
To find out if users are ready to commit such kind of reports. And they do! Note that I am currently skipping email HCLs, not asking users there.
To get a lot of useful information about device. Workarounds, useful things and information what does not work. Some people report simply HCL file which I do not consider to be that useful.
When a bit more people answer my question-table, I or somebody else can spend time to build the bigger table with all this information and links to the HCL reports and other stuff. That will allow to renew the recommended and NOT recommended list of laptops for Qubes OS.
@flavio we keep doing what we have been doing for now. qubes-hcl-report is actively maintained and was updated for R4.2 (e.g. you don’t have to correct the indentation of -works anymore). There is also a conversation on GitHub about the other details that have been addressed.
What @balko is doing is having a discussion about how to improve things, which is great but that should have zero influence on your current work flow. I agree with him that most people just send in the report as it’s generated by the tool, which has extremely limited usefulness. As I wrote earlier, I recommend nudging them to at least answer:
Thank you @flavio. I reviewed and left some change requests there.
I think PRs are an excellent way to learn and document the finer points at the same time. After a few iterations you’ll be good to go and others will have a resource to see our conversation.
Was latest kernel required? yes, had to force upgrade to 6.6.2-1.fc37, higher than highest one available in from ISO 4.2.0rc4
Basic Input
Keyboard - works
External USB mouse - works
Touch-pad - works
Touch-pad supports “tap as click” and scrolling with 2 fingers works - works
Display brightness change shortcuts - works
Sound volume shortcuts - works
Keyboard led and keyboard brightness change shortcuts - N/A
Output of xinput --list from terminal of dom0 - don’t work
Check if keyboard and/or touchpad is PS/2 connected : yes(it has an AT Translated Set 2 keyboard + an PS/2 Generic Mouse according to /proc/bus/input/devices)
Internet and bluetooth
Ethernet cable connection - works out of the box or actions were required? - no RJ-45 adapter
Ethernet cable connection - speed - not tested yet
Wifi connection - works out of the box or actions were required? - no, driver for chipset RTL8821ce in error, device detached from sys-net
Wifi connection - speed, is reliable over the time? - N/A
Bluetooth - works out of the box or actions were required? - same as wifi I presume, not tried
Bluetooth - shows devices, connection process works, sound output or copying works. - N/A
Suspend/Resume works - works out of the box or actions were required? it worked except the problem I had with wifi driver. Once device detached, S/R works fine (though imposes to reassign usb rj45 adapter on resume, maybe a setup or a script needed)
Does resume breaks WiFi, if it does, how to recover it? - N/A
Does resume breaks Bluetooth, if it does, how to recover it? - N/A
Video [increase VCPU to the qube before test]
Fullscreen and windowed video playback of youtube - 720p/1080p/2K/4K in Firefox. Does it drop frames? no, remains fluid, but fans are too noisy
Video file playback of file using mpv/mplayer/smplayer - 1080p? Higher resolutions and bitrates? - not tested yet
Multiple displays configuration works (using available DP/Thunderbolt, HDMI or other video ports) - not tested yet
Speakers (sound playback) (was sys-audio used?) - works (no sys-audio created)
Head-phones via 3.5" jack (works, automatically turns off speakers?) - works
Sound output via HDMI - not tested yet
Audio-optical (S/PDIF) output - N/A
Are fans silent on idle? - if fans @ 0 RPM, ok! But T° makes them spin soon a little, disturbing. When on load (at work), rapidly too noisy
Are fans noisier than on Windows/Linux?. If they are, was thankfan or similar software tried? - did not keep Windows more than a day, don’t remember though fans did not seem to be a problem. Will try thankfan !
Have you tried running Windows 10 HVM qubes? ** not yet**
Does CPU boost seem to be working properly? don’t known CPU boost
Number of USB Controllers and if more than one: information what internal USB devices and USB ports are connected to which controller - see 2 in lspci. How to known the connections ?
EDIT : upload remains “processing” for dozens of minutes, probably a bug by me, though it seems the cpio.gz file was correctly uploaded … I preferred not to try the .yaml, as it should be the same as previous one, but anyhow, I’m trying to upload the “same way”