HCL - Dell Precision 5510 i7-6820HQ


  • Disable SecureBoot

Basic Input

  • Keyboard - works
  • External USB mouse [if possible to check] - works
  • Touch-pad - works
  • Touch-pad supports “tap as click” and scrolling with 2 fingers works - works
  • Display brightness change shortcuts - brings up icon but does not appear to be functional
  • Sound volume shortcuts - works
  • Keyboard led and keyboard brightness change shortcuts - works

Internet and bluetooth

  • Ethernet cable connection - works out of the box or actions were required? - N/A
  • Ethernet cable connection - speed - N/A
  • Wifi connection - works out of the box or actions were required? - works
  • Wifi connection - speed, is reliable over the time? - reliable
  • Bluetooth - works out of the box or actions were required? - unknown
  • Bluetooth - shows devices, connection process works, sound output or copying works.- unknown


  • Suspend/Resume works - works out of the box or actions were required? - just works
  • Does resume breaks WiFi, if it does, how to recover it? - works (<5% of the time WiFi breaks and have to re-suspend
  • Does resume breaks Bluetooth, if it does, how to recover it? - untested

Video [increase VCPU to the qube before test]

  • Fullscreen and windowed video playback of youtube - 720p/1080p/2K/4K in Firefox. Does it drop frames? - 720p/1080p works, unable to test others
  • Video file playback of file using mpv/mplayer/smplayer - 1080p? Higher resolutions and bitrates? untested
  • Multiple displays configuration works (using available DP/Thunderbolt, HDMI or other video ports - untested


  • Speakers (sound playback) (was sys-audio used?) - works, no sys-audio used
  • Head-phones via 3.5" jack (works, automatically turns off speakers?) - works/works
  • Sound output via HDMI - untested
  • Audio-optical (S/PDIF) output - untested


  • Are fans silent on idle? - yes
  • Are fans noisier than on Windows/Linux?. If they are, was thankfan or similar software tried? - untested


  • Have you tried running Windows 10 HVM qubes? - yes, works but suspend requires W10 reboot
  • Does CPU boost seem to be working properly? - unknown
