Just for fun: Community Scripts & Art

Qubes is serious business.
but that doesn’t mean we can’t have a little fun with it.
i have developed a brief guide for your entertainment.
please pass it on.

step 1: ensure you are using a monospace font in your fixed width environments
step 2: open your favorite terminal emulator (in an offline disp-vm, obviously, because you shouldn’t trust me… yet)
step 3: paste this one-liner into your terminal:

base64 -d <<<“H4sIAAAAAAAAA+3T0Q2AIAwE0H+nYBY3IN1/F4GgAXvXVuKPifdHvHtRoynFkvMWq51x61nFnOi6O+MTc+rP+Bz3+BUl7CVgTXwpgcTAGI8oPZSoYW83JRliEVyYjJ/4EvHCd8EUmeMRd0Z09I8KjM6AORQYEp9D4tFaCfjmbWBCCBAxLqfV62kRaZCMpxVBp80PHAZb0PEGAAA=” | gunzip

step 4: if (when) satisfied, make it into an executable script, and add some color:

mkdir scripts
nano scripts/QBS.ascii

echo -e “$(tput setaf 4)” # make it QubesOS blue
base64 -d <<<“H4sIAAAAAAAAA+3T0Q2AIAwE0H+nYBY3IN1/F4GgAXvXVuKPifdHvHtRoynFkvMWq51x61nFnOi6O+MTc+rP+Bz3+BUl7CVgTXwpgcTAGI8oPZSoYW83JRliEVyYjJ/4EvHCd8EUmeMRd0Z09I8KjM6AORQYEp9D4tFaCfjmbWBCCBAxLqfV62kRaZCMpxVBp80PHAZb0PEGAAA=” | gunzip
echo -e “$(tput sgr0)” # reset color

that’s it, close and save, then make this baby executable:

chmod +x scripts/QBS.ascii

step 5: make a script to do something useful in qubes, and then finish it by calling:


step 6: don’t spoil the surprise for everyone else


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My take on it:

Did you know there’s an actual neofetch art for Qubes? This is what happens if you install and run it in dom0:

And this happens if you take a screenshot from the inside of sys-net.

lol of course there is!! but mine is made out of only Q’s B’s and S’s !
i’m glad i’m not the first to think of this after all these years of qubing
thnx for sharing

is there some sort of automatic image-to-ascii converter program?
if so, i spent way too long on this.

GitHub - TheZoraiz/ascii-image-converter: A cross-platform command-line tool to convert images into ascii art and print them on the console. Now supports braille art! ?

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this is beautiful. thankyou