Internal error. Unable to reset pc! Device 0000:00:1f.6 no FLR, PM reset or bus reset available

i cant open sys-net settings
i try all and nothing. qvm-pci detach, qvm-attach does not work, i;ve got QubesDaemonAccesError: Got empty resonse from qubesd
after ```qvm-pci | grep 1f.6 -Failed to list 'pci' devices, this device type either does not exist or you do not have access to it

What happens when you try to open sys-net settings? Does it not open at all or do you get an error?

i got Internal error. Unable to reset pc! Device 0000:00:1f.6 no FLR, PM reset or bus reset available

When did you get this error message? While installing Qubes or while you try to boot a VM?

when instaling and try to boot vm

Check this post here:

You need to open sys-net settings (available in the Qubes menu) and add a strict reset to the PCI controller.

how? i cant open sys-net settings

If that’s the case, you should reinstall Qubes. Troubleshooting is not worth it in that case.
When you are done reinstalling, try to open sys-net settings again and see if it works or not. If it still fail, then logs/screenshots will be needed to find the issue.

i cant click Devices, that buttom has a not clickable texture. It isnt my screen, it from link you gave me

Try to reinstall qubes to see if it works better.

Yeah, that’s the problem with I219-V.
I had one machine with that NIC, and the only way I was able to install Qubes on that machine was to disable NIC in BIOS and then run the installation and go through the setup on the first boot. Without that, the whole installation just breaks.

So check if you have the option in BIOS to disable your integrated NIC and then rerun your installation and first boot setup. After that, enable your NIC and add it manually to sys-net with strict reset enabled for that device.