Installing other Other OSs in Qubes: ParrotOS / Kali / Windows

I want to install ParrotOS, Kali linux and Windows inside QubesOS. And I want to run Tails installed on USB inside Qubes.
Please tell me how to do it.

Hi @salami. Firstly, welcome to the forum!

These are a lot of questions. And many have already been answered. Use the :mag: in the forum to look for example for ParotOS and Kali @unman has packaged both of them.

From the main documentation page you can find links for these guides (look for Windows, there)

Search if there isn’t already a post about this. I think there is. If there isn’t. Feel free to open it.

Lastly, remember that this is a community forum.

This is helpful to install Windows

(I’ve made the title more specific about the issue)