Installing Multiple Operating systems after Qubes installation


In my System i have a mbile rack with which I want to exchange the Operating systems. So I am not ecactly dualbooting like expected in the manual.

so my setup is kind of like in this thread:

I don’t want to multiboot with windows, just linux. I have installed Qubes on one drive and now I would like another drive with another OS and maybe later a third drive with a different linux.
My Problem is, that after I inserted the diffrent os, qubes is just gone.
If I have understood the guide correctly, the second linux drive has to be present or already installed.

Can someone explain to me why my QubesOS installation disappears after inserting my other installation; or better yet tell me how to multiboot with different OS without destroying my QubesOS Installation. I am using legacy boot.

Thank you

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Is there a reason you can’t just install those other Linux distros inside of Qubes?

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I would like to emulate an android device and possibly need Virtualbox for university. I could use another device for Virtualbox but I would prefere to do do this on my main machine.
Concerning android, I tried emulating a device with in a kvm on another machine with fedora and this was not fun.
I do not want android x86. I would like the arm experience. With the android IDE.

You might want to study how Grub works. You can create a menu where you select which operating system you want to boot. The Qubes docks can explain the qubes part but you can also add menu entries for other disks in your system. This menu can be maintained and updated from the qubes system as it will need to update its own entry during upgrades touching /boot.

Virtual machines can be converted, so if you receive a VirtualBox VM from your university then you could try just converting it to a Qubes/Xen VM and have them integrated right into Qubes. Otherwise you can install another OS on another drive and just add that into your Grub menu during boot.

As for Android, I have still not had any luck getting a system up and functioning under Qubes though I note many others have succeeded, somehow. I really wish there was a template for download in the community repository for that. I just don’t have the time to invest in making it work because I have a medical nonprofit to run solo.

But how are you thinking to do an ARM install rather than x86? You’ll need to add in the extra complexity of an ARM emulator as well. If you are already booting another OS for other purposes you might look at Box from the fedora distribution. I was able to get both ReactOS and Androidx86 running under Box with a vanilla fedora, but it failed under Qubes/Xen. I’m still looking for a path forward for this.

As I understood grub, it is installed on my drive, which I remove every time I swap the OS. So every time a different grub, because the inserted drive is the only Drive in my System.

Back when I used Arch, Ubuntu and Windows interchangeably there was no problem like that. I had my 3 Disks with different bootloaders and it worked. So I don’t get what makes qubes go byebye.
I had this set up specifically because of this, so that Grub wouldnt destroy my mbr for windows.

With the Android Thing:
The Android IDE lets you emulate devices and as far as i understood it, it can emulate arm CPUs:

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