Installation windows-tools-4.1.68-1.src.rpm für Windows 10

möchte gerne das Tool zuätzlich zu meiner Installation mit der folgender Methode GitHub - ElliotKillick/qvm-create-windows-qube: Spin up new Windows qubes quickly, effortlessly and securely on Qubes OS installieren. Nur weiß ich nicht, wie ein manuelles Build der RPM-Datei zu erfoglen soll.
Vorweg ich kenne die Bedenken um das Thema Qubes Security Bulletin 091.

Danke vorab.

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English Translation:

“I would like to install the tool in addition to my installation using the following method GitHub - ElliotKillick/qvm-create-windows-qube: Spin up new Windows qubes quickly, effortlessly and securely on Qubes OS 1. I just don’t know how to build the RPM file manually.
First of all, I am aware of the concerns surrounding the issue of Qubes Security Bulletin 091.”

I’m not an expert, but I think this might be part of Qubes Builder functionality. Can anyone else out there correct me? I have been thinking to do this myself because my current WinVM is badly broken.

Ich habe meine Antwort zwischenzeitlich in Beitrag Qvm-create-windows-qube Qubes Windows Tools install hangs on the "Completing setup of Qubes Windows Tools" step - #5 by GWeck gefunden.