Last time I download fresh Q4.2.0, completely verify it, everything was good.
Burn it to usb.
Before start installation process, check at some Qubes window quality of USB (don’t remember exactly how it called) and it says “Bad USB and something else like not good idea install from this stick”, was upset because this time I completely check ISO and everything was good and still get this message at “Qubes installation window”, so I just continue do my things, because no other option, right?!
Same as before I doesn’t have any other options except Dom0, decide to continue installation process as well.
So, when installation was finished and laptop was rebooted, this window with “QUBES OS” in a middle of the screen pop out, I press on a icon and kinda similar settings was like before:
Templates Configuration
Whonix not available
Default: [ here are a blank button/window ] (and I Could not tick on it, probably here should be software options like Fedora or Debian)
Main Configuration (btw I think that now I have this options because I create manual partitions)
Create default system qubes (sys-net, sys-firewall, default DispVM)
Make sys-firewall and sys-usb disposable
Create default application qubes (personal, work, untrusted, vault)
Advanced Configuration
Create ‘vm-pool’ LVM thin pool
Use existing LVM thin pool (I tick on it)
LVM Volume Group: qubes_dom0
LVM Thin Pool: root-pool
After I press continue installation setup
and by ending Installation Progress this window pop out:
[Dom0] ERROR (on dom0)
Qubes initial configuration failed. Login to the system and check /var/log/salt/minion for details. You can retry configuration by calling ‘sudo qubesctl --allstate.highstate’ in dom0 (you will get detailed state there).
I checked /var/log/salt/minion by
nano /var/log/salt/minion
[salt.pillar ] [CRITICAL] Specified ext_pillar interface qvm_prefs is unavaible
I also checked ‘sudo qubesctl --allstate.highstate’, but was confused with all that information and again don’t know what to do… and also for retry the configuration from qubesctl, should I insert Installation Media (ISO usb)?
Qubes team have a remark, to let Qubes work at my laptop: To boot the installer, you need to remove mapbs=1 and noexitboot=1 To get suspend to work, you need to add mem_sleep_default=deep to the kernel= line in /boot/efi/EFI/qubes/xen.cfg.