How to Stop Windows Auto Shutdown Due to qrexec_timeout

I have a windows cube that automatically shuts down after the number of seconds from qvm-prefs <windows-template> qrexec_timeout 30000. What’s the command to stop it from shutting down, timeout = default?

You can always try the command with --help. It could give you hint

is for starting?
shutdown_timeout is for shutting down?

Whatever you want to default in qvm-prefs nevertheless would be

$ qvm-prefs --default VMNAME [PROPERTY]

where the [PROPERTY] in your case would be qrexec_timeout or shutdown_timeout.

If your question is why Windows can’t start at all, then there is no clear answer to that based on info you gave us

Why did you set qrexec timeout to almost 9 hours at all?

I can be using Windows and it shuts down on me. That’s the problem.

When you first create a Windows cube, the instruction requires this step, qvm-prefs <windows-template> qrexec_timeout 300.

I recall Windows would shut down on me while I’m using it after 300 seconds, so I increased it to something like 10000. This would often give me some time to finish doing something. But sometimes it’s not enough time. I just threw 30000 as an example.

I’m looking for a way to use Windows for an unlimited amount of time.

Wait, what you are writing has nothing to do with for how long Windows will be up or not.
As I said, qrexec_timeout is for how long system will wait for Windows to start, not how long it will be up?!

With 30000 you would wait Windows to start for 9 hours!

Something else shuts down Windows, not this!

Continuing the discussion from How to Stop Windows Auto Shutdown Due to qrexec_timeout:

Windows10 auto shutting down for whatever reason remains unresolved…anyone with a solution?

Here, several separate problems are mixed:

  • qrexec_timeout is the time, Qubes waits after the startup of a qrexec-enabled VM until communication with this VM is established. If this is not possible within this time, the VM is shut down.
  • Whether qrexec is enabled for a VM is determined by the feature qrexec of this VM; if this property is set to 1, the countdown for shutdown is started. The value of this feature can be checked via the command qvm-features VMNAME. It should be set if and only if qrexec is installed in this VM and active.
  • For Windows VMs, qrexec is available if Qubes Windows Tools is installed and working.
  • shutdown_timeout is the time Qubes waits after a shutdown command (from the Qube Manager or CLI), until a VM has completed shutdown. If the VM has not shut down in this time, Qubes asks whether it should kill this VM. This is not relevant in this context.

So there are roughly two ways to get out of this shutdown dilemma:

  • Install QWT as described in the documentation and make sure that it is working, e.g. by trying to send a file to or from this VM.
  • Remove the qrexec-property from this VM via the command qvm-features --unset VMNAME qrexec, if QWT is not installed or not working.

FYI, I have a Windows 7 AppVM with qrexec_timeout set to 6000 (for the initial copying of the user data to drive Q:), QWT installed but qrexec not set, and shutdown_timer set to 60. Often, this VM is running for 6 or more hours without problem.

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I’m having an issue with this as well.

I can’t find any solution to it.

I have a windows VM, I try to set the features.
I don’t have the tools installed at all.

It shuts down after 360 seconds of QREXEC Timeout.

I perform qvm-features “W10-Virtual” and I get back the debian-11-minimal template details.

I do qvm-prefs on “W10-Virtual” and the qrexec_timeout is 360, but no setting for qrexec to enable or disable.

This never used to happen. This only happened after I updated Qubes (Xen/Dom0/Kernel) recently.

qrexec is a feature of the VM. If it it set, you will have to delete it

qvm-features --unset VMNAME qrexec

or set it to false:

qvm-features VMNAME qrexec "".

It may also help to set the timeout value to something like a day:

qvm-prefs VMNAME qrexec_timeout 86400.

Hope it helps!

Problem is that it sets a different system than the one that I specify…

I specify the windows one, but it gives the preferences for one of the templates.

Also I do set the timeout to 9 hours. But that causes the qubes manager to have issues.

Something is weird there: setting qvm-features VMNAME changes just the features of the VM called VMNAME and should not touch any other VM.

You’re going to have to expand on that.
What exactly is the command you type in?
What makes you think it applies to some other qube?

Please explain

Exactly right, I am very confused about it.

Qvm-features windows-vm

It gives me the features for a Debian template.

I have tried with “windows-vm” and it didn’t change anything.

I changed multiple things from turning off qrexec and changing many other features that remained on in the virtual.

Qvm-prefs accesses the correct virtual, so I can change things like the timeout and set it to 9 hours or whatever I want. It is just qvm-features that isn’t working correctly.

I have tried in features to turn off gui and more but it doesn’t change the windows one.

I start the matchine and everything is the same.

I pretty much changed most of the features and they did not affect the windows virtual. I started up that Debian template and it had a coronary with the settings I had applied to the features of windows-vm.

Drew, is that you?
Where have you been?
I’ve missed you.

To the matter in hand - Can you describe in detail the issues that
you have with Qube Manager.

What does this mean?
Since many templates and standalones will display common features, what
makes you think that the features you see are those of a Debian

Just in case you are seeing behaviour that no one else has yet reported,
can you say which version of Qubes you are using, and detailed
information about which features you have changed.
Posting the output of qvm-features for the windows-vm, and the Debian
template would be helpful.

It means exactly as I say, it brings up the features for one of the Debian templates instead of that windows standalone virtual.
I’ll get an image and all of it tomorrow when I am using those drives again. Currently got things running on a different set and I can’t interrupt them until the data transferr is complete.

I changed all things to do with the qrexec, no change.

Aside from that I started to change other things, but then I started the Debian template and it went mental at me.

The things that makes me think that it is the Debian is the fact that the virtuals name was debian-template-minimal that the qvm-features was targeting. Also, when I did it on that one, and noticed the issue I checked the features of a Debian virtual, and it was the same thing, said it was the same virtual, and had qrexec disabled and all. I checked multiple just to be sure, and they were all saying they were the one virtual.

Using qubes 4.1 because I can’t install 4.2 or later. Currently fully up to date 4.1.

Will post the output in the morning. AEDST.

Lol,yes dude, it is me still.

Still having issues and still all the past issues have rarely been fully resolved. But still here and going strong.

Happy to see you again.

The issue with the manager is just the same issue I mentioned about in qubes 3.2 and Qubes 4 when the new manager came out that was so broken it wasn’t funny.

But things will get fixed over time I hope. But I don’t expect them to be with only me mentioning the issues. I mention things and people just generally attack it or pass it to the site even after I provide proof.

But such as life. I am alive and still kicking.

How you been?

Heya UnMan,

Below is the qvm-prefs and qvm-features for the Windows template, and the features for the debian template.

Sorry, posted the wrong one…
This is the actual one… my bad.

[root@dom0 ~]# qvm-prefs W10-Tarkov
audiovm               D  dom0
autostart             D  False
backup_timestamp      U
debug                 -  True
default_dispvm        D  debian-11-dvm
default_user          D  user
dns                   D
gateway               D  
gateway6              D  
guivm                 D  dom0
icon                  D  appvm-yellow
include_in_backups    -  False
installed_by_rpm      D  False
ip                    D
ip6                   D  
kernel                -  
kernelopts            D  
keyboard_layout       D  au++
klass                 D  StandaloneVM
label                 -  yellow
mac                   D  00:16:3e:5e:6c:00
management_dispvm     D  default-mgmt-dvm
maxmem                -  0
memory                -  8192
name                  -  W10-Tarkov
netvm                 -  sys-firewall
provides_network      -  False
qid                   -  57
qrexec_timeout        -  43200
shutdown_timeout      D  60
start_time            D  
stubdom_mem           U
stubdom_xid           D  -1
template_for_dispvms  D  False
updateable            D  True
uuid                  -  0c426afd-3e5a-4e58-99a0-3e29c96c521e
vcpus                 -  6
virt_mode             -  hvm
visible_gateway       D
visible_gateway6      D  
visible_ip            D
visible_ip6           D  
visible_netmask       D
xid                   D  -1
[root@dom0 ~]# qvm-features W10-Tarkov
default-menu-items                     debian-xterm.desktop
menu-items                             debian-xterm.desktop
netvm-menu-items                       debian-xterm.desktop
qrexec                                 0
supported-service.crond                1
supported-service.clocksync            1
supported-service.qubes-update-check   1
supported-service.meminfo-writer       1
supported-service.updates-proxy-setup  1
os                                     Linux
gui                                    0
vmexec                                 1
template-name                          debian-11-minimal
template-epoch                         0
template-version                       4.0.6
template-release                       202302031359
template-reponame                      qubes-templates-itl
template-buildtime                     2023-02-03 17:20:58
template-installtime                   2023-07-28 11:11:11
template-license                       GPL
template-summary                       Qubes template for debian-11-minimal
template-description                   Qubes template for debian-11-minimal
qubesmanager.maxmem_value              8192
gui-allow-fullscreen                   1
[root@dom0 ~]# qvm-features debian-11-minimal
default-menu-items                     debian-xterm.desktop
menu-items                             qubes-run-terminal.desktop debian-uxterm.desktop debian-xterm.desktop
netvm-menu-items                       debian-xterm.desktop
qrexec                                 1
supported-service.crond                1
supported-service.clocksync            1
supported-service.qubes-update-check   1
supported-service.meminfo-writer       1
supported-service.updates-proxy-setup  1
os                                     Linux
gui                                    1
vmexec                                 1
template-name                          debian-11-minimal
template-epoch                         0
template-version                       4.0.6
template-release                       202302031359
template-reponame                      qubes-templates-itl
template-buildtime                     2023-02-03 17:20:58
template-installtime                   2023-07-28 11:11:11
template-license                       GPL
template-summary                       Qubes template for debian-11-minimal
template-description                   Qubes template for debian-11-minimal
[root@dom0 ~]#