How to Stop Windows Auto Shutdown Due to qrexec_timeout

With these values, the Windows VM will still be killed, as the qrexec feature is still true: The value 0 is regarded as true. The value for false is the empty string

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I think qvm-features --unset VMNAME qrexec seems to have fixed it. I’m using QWT but the qube doesn’t have network access. If there was network access, the problem clears itself in some way like running windows update.

Edit I responded too soon. It didn’t turn out to be a solution.

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Why would empty be false? False should be false and True should be true. In coding that is 0/1 . What 2 year old coder made empty as false?

I’ll give it a try and let you know how it goes.


My guess: python artifact or “side effect”.
Joke: python is the duct tape of programming: fixes it “for now”, will haunt you forever.

There is no “side effect”, it is just bad coding.

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