How to launch LibreOffice maximized?

Hi Everyone!

I’ve always just ‘put up with’ a situation, whereas my LibreOffice applications start up with the size of a thumbnail! I’ve searched but couldn’t find anything here and I’m wondering: how do I set them to start up maximized? These are persistent app qubes btw…

As always, thanks so much for your help, comments, and advice - greatly appreciated!



Plz. look deeper - there are tons of topics on this issue, which is open since several years. It’s possible to use a workaround, but (from what I remember) it’s difficult to set it up (instead of living with it).

Solved - LibreOffice window being really small when started | The FreeBSD Forums


Enabling Skia rendering made my LibreOffice windows open normally.

In LibreOffice, Tools > Options > LibreOffice > View

Enable “Use Skia for all rendering” and “Force Skia software rendering”


I’m afraid, most of the users don’t have these option available in their office options. This is, what I see:

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I can’t find it too, but I think the setting must have been renamed? Search for “skia” in the top right search bar filters all choices but LibreOffice → View :thinking:

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Try deselecting “Use hardware acceleration” in the same menu.

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Even it remembers this setting (after VM restart) the deselecting of hw acce… don’t take any effect.

Same with deselecting “Use anti-aliasing” and “Screen font antialiasing”

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I’m using Debian 12, LibreOffice is installed from the main repo

This is my options


I’m running Debian 12 as well, however I do not have the options for Skia listed under the view section like above. My options look identical to @TheGardner screen shot. For now, just expanding the little box of a window that pops when starting applications from LibreOffice :wink:

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Same here, no Skia option available. @renehoj could you please check your installation / configuration to find the difference?

I’m using the minimal Debian 12 template, that seems to be the difference.

LibreOffice from the minimal templates has Skia/Raster

It seems to be missing in the full template

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I am using minimal template for libreoffice:

Could it be that GTK3 is the issue? I have a GTK3 setup in my base template.