How to install Obsidian with snap

I unsuccessfully try to install Obsidian with the QubesOs Documentation .

In the Fedora-39-template I install snapd and qubes-snapd-helper and in the folder of the AppVM where I downloaded the snap-package I run:

snap install obsidian_1.5.12_amd64.snap --dangerous --classic

The Option –user was not accepted.

Following Error appears:

error: cannot install snap file: classic confinement requires snaps under /snap or symlink from /snap to /var/lib/snapd/snap

How to solve?

What if you create the required symlink in AppVM?

sudo ln -s /var/lib/snapd/snap /snap

Will the error disappear?
If it’ll work then you can add this command in AppVM’s /rw/config/rc.local.

The same error occurs again.

I created the folder /snap and executed the symlink in my AppVM.

You didn’t have to create a /snap directory, only symlink.
Remove the directory and create only symlink.

Perfect, that was the clue! :ok_hand: