How to Install Freetube and Brave Repo on fedora

Hi there, im trying to install FreeTube and/or Brave on a Qube TemplateVM using the repo CLI commands yet its not working, ive tried;
$ sudo su
$ sudo dnf install FreeTube
$ sudo dnf install Brave
yet this doesnt work.

I did end up going to a normal (fedora-40) online app qube and installing FreeTube ** and Brave browser Flathub** version which appears in the Software GUI and when i hit download it does download yet nothing tells me where it actually downloads to and i cant find it in the Settings - Applications section either yet whilst im in Software i can click Open and it all works great yet when i close it down i cant re-open it again without going through Software to re-download it and only open it from there, i would love it to be persistent and available easier than this procedure if possible please help?

With Brave Browser it wants me to give it a Password keyring, i ignored input and just clicked OK not sure if this leaves me vulnerable in some way more so than if i had provided a keyring password but i not know about that stuff.

Please note that even after installed and opened both Brave and freetube still dont appear in Settings - Applications as an option even after refreshing it

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In TemplateVM:

From a 30s search, it seems you will have to manually install. This isn’t recommended for non-advanced users for a multiplicity of reasons, not the least of which being that updates are also manual.

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I cant use the CLI Commands on the link you sent for Brave on the TemplateVM as the TemplateVM is an Offline thing and the CLI commands you gave in the link are an Online thing unless im missing knowing something?
I tried it anyway as said but unfortunately 1 of the commands did not work;

bash-5.2# sudo rpm --import
curl: (6) Could not resolve host:
error: import read failed(2).

not sure why the text above has appeared in Bold as i never selected Bold, just thought to mention that.

thats the path i followed to get the flatpack but it didnt work out fully for me, it left me as i am currently which is in a little messy place, i recall 1 of the commands not working for me but i ignored it and continued :roll_eyes:

You can use this guide to install the flatpak in the template:

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It isn’t bold; it’s a heading likely from using ‘#’. You can have regular text by escaping the character (adding ‘\’ before; ex.: ‘\#’). EDIT: My bad, I looked at the raw and it seems to be a glitch.

As for the command, my bad. The templates are not exactly air-gapped as much as behind a proxy that dnf/apt are using. Just prepand the rpm command with ‘http_proxy=’. Ex.:

http_proxy= rpm --import https://<url>

Here’s what works for me.
First I need to check if I have installed these packages:

# dnf install pulseaudio pulseaudio-qubes qubes-audio-daemon qubes-core-agent-networking tinyproxy --allowerasing


# dnf config-manager --add-repo

and then:

$ export http_proxy=
$ export https_proxy=

after that

$ sudo rpm --import


$ sudo curl --proxy localhost:8082 > brave-core.asc
$ sudo rpm --import ./brave-core.asc

and finally

$ sudo dnf update
$ sudo dnf upgrade --refresh
$ sudo dnf install brave-browser

i encountered an issue, i C&P from CLI exactly where and when i got the issue.

bash-5.2# sudo rpm --import
curl: (6) Could not resolve host:
error: import read failed(2).

did you insert this command before…?

Since I just a few days ago installed Brave Browser in my Fedora (39) template, I feel with you. :wink:
The CLI commands from the Brave website (linked above) mostly work, the only challenge is
$ sudo rpm --import
because the template cannot download the *.asc-file.
So what I did instead for this step is

  1. download it in a normal app qube (wget or curl or enter it into another browser’s address field)
  2. then transfer the file to the template (using qvm-copy or qvm-move)
  3. followed by “sudo rpm --import ./brave-core.asc” in template and the directory you transferred it into (“~/QubesIncoming/”)
  4. follow the rest of the cli instruction.
    Worked without problems for me, have Brave up and running now. :slight_smile:

P.S.: For clarification: This method does not require the https_proxy as in the post above.

P.P.S.: Second edit: For FreeTube you can download the appropriate binary from FreeTube - The Private YouTube Client in an app qube, qvm-copy it to the template and then “sudo apt / dnf install ./” as you did with the *.asc for Brave.

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IT was never confirmed that either method was tried, or the prior commands were executed. It’s hard to help without proper communication.

yes, i C&P every command you gave in the exact order you gave.

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I love what you say but i dont understand what to transfer nor where exactly to put it once transferred, do you have any suggestions please?

OK, let’s take a look into the details …
According to the Brave website (Installing Brave on Linux | Brave), if you want to install Brave in Fedora, you need to run the following commands in the terminal:

sudo dnf install dnf-plugins-core
sudo dnf config-manager --add-repo
sudo rpm --import
sudo dnf install brave-browser

In QubesOS that means you run them in a terminal in (one of your) Fedora template qubes (and then run Brave Browser in an app qube referring to this template qube).
The problem arises in the third line, because “sudo rpm --import …” tries to download and import the file found at “”, i.e. somewhere on the internet.
But template qubes cannot download anything directly!
So what I did:
I ran the first two CLI commands in the template terminal.
Then I split the third CLI command into three parts:

  • First step is downloading the file brave-core.asc (located at from within an app qube (e.g. “personal” in the Qubes standard).
  • Now this file (usually saved in the “Downloads” folder) needs to be transferred to the template. The Qubes-command “qvm-copy” will do that.
    E.g.: “qvm-copy ~/Downloads/brave-core.asc” will give you a pop-up to identify the target qube (which would be your template) and copy it to a subfolder in ~/QubesIncoming on the template qube.
  • Last step: sudo rpm --import for the local file instead of the internet location, e.g. “sudo rpm --import ~/QubesImport/personal/ brave-core.asc”

And last, but not least then: “sudo dnf install brave-browser” (in the template qube)


Hi, as you already have lot of answer for Brave I talk now just about FreeTube.

I also use FreeTube but using the appimage
it is not necessary to carry out an installation in a template but just to use the appimage in a folder of one of your qubes
a FreeTube qubes for example

here’s the simple procedure:
download the appiimage from the official lee site :

then choose Appimage
the image will be downloaded via your browser
then right-click on it and open property then make the file executable

then you just have to launch this file to have FreeTube working normally in a Qube of your choice

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That was so helpful, thanks, what i ended up doing just before reading your post was doing all the CLI commands given earlier yet ignoring the the Command issue and continuing the commands and it seems to of worked for me, if it presents me an issue i shall revert to your helpful commands, thank you very much x

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i did all that in a normal online qube app yet when i clicked it it did nothing so i right clicked it and tried to Run it yet nothing, i tried to open it using Disk Image Mounter and it looked to of put it up in the usb icon tray at the top where i can attach it to another qube yet this is not correct as i dont want it in another qube so i went back to right click and Run Software but it just opened up Software, basically i dont seem to be able to run it even though its Executable, do you think i need to change Group to Read/Write, basically should i change permissions to 777 ?

The warning message says;
Cannot mount AppImage, please check your FUSE setup.

Install FUSE in your template:

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As @apparatus told you, you need to install fuse

For that you have to open the terminal of the template connect to the qubes you’r using
if you’r Qube name is Freetube and you use Fedora 40 or Debian 12 as template
you have to open the terminal of fedora40 or debian 12 and write on it
sudo apt install fuse if debian 12
sudo dnf install fuse if fedora 40
after you shut down the template and start to open again Appimage in your Freetube Qube

let us know if you succed