How to edit BOOTX64.cfg to install Qubes OS. Screen freezes before Install Menu UEFI

I have a Lenovo Legion 5 Intel i7-10750H (12) @ 5.000GHz GPU: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1660 Ti Mobil. Any other suggestions as to how I should go about this. If I can get it to work using root I will let you guys know, but probably wont try it till tomorrow.

does you see any text splashes when booting, if no that can possible be the nvidia card doesn’t comp. with qubes

It’s same model.

you only need to focus on this two things :

  • BIOS = legacy + discrete only gpu.
  • UEFI = uefi + hybrid or discrete (just use hybrid mode, save battery)

based on your post, you mention uefi, are you sure you choose the uefi boot?

Sorry ive been away for a day or two. So you have the same model? I dont need to worry about editing the file?? If so this is what happens when I try to edit it from root. I mount the second partition edit the file save and it saves the file. However, when I open the USB from the file manager and open BOOTX64.cfg no changes have been saved, so I dont understand it cause then when I remount it and check through the terminal it is still saved.

If i dont have to edit the file then below?
So you are saying just to put BIOS into legacy and put GPU into discrete only? Is that hard or is it a setting in the BIOS? You said focus on two things but if I am booting from legacy then I do not have to worry about what you said in UEFI right? If putting the GPU in discrete only is not a setting in the BIOS, if you could list instructions I would appreciate it. I can try it again with changing the GPU settings once I hear back from you. Thanks for the help. What happens is the OS begins to boot in text mode and half way through it freezes up. Could be the GPU issue IDK.

I flashed the USB drive using Etcher

Just forget whatever you have read in another topics, you don’t need to configure / edit any files.

yea it would work. if you use legacy + hybrid mode (in this case you use iGPU) it will freeze, black screen, etc.

in bios settings. fn + f2 change to discrete only if you run with legacy.

contrary, uefi works fine with both hybrid / discrete only mode.

it happen when you run legacy + hybrid mode, i’m very sure.

or you can disable Legacy support in bios settings, so your pc would always run in UEFI + hybrid mode (less power).

Ok, so I went in and enabled Legacy support and put graphics in discrete only and this time it only gave me a blank black screen as opposed to a bunch of text scrolling then freezing like it used to. I did not see any option anywhere for hybrid? or is that just when you have it in UEFI. Am i missing something or did I have it right. The only two things I changed was EFI to legacy support and graphics to discrete only. I think USB is in legacy as well if that is an option.?? Any thoughts

i flashed it to usb through etcher. should i try doing it through DD? Do you know the commands if i know where the drive is mounted?

Hey so looks like I got it. The install menu appeared when I booted. I must have just had a couple of corrupt ISO’s. Have not tried to install yet but its looking good so far. Thanks for replying ya did it!

yes, and for better performance you should use 4.1

Got it installed! Seems to be working fine. I am currently on it. Now I just need to learn how everything works. Appreciate the help.

Hey!! I am having the exact same problem. Can you tell me exactly what you did to get it working? There is a lot on this page and I am having trouble understanding some of it. So glad I finally found a potential answer, I have been searching for weeks. Thank you so much!! (:

Can you explain what happened to fix this problem? Thanks! (:

You should create a new topic, explain your machine spec / laptop type, what qubes version you use, your problem, and what have you done.

Hi there. Hope you or someone else will answer to my question and it will solve my problem.

Qubes team have a remark, to let Qubes work at my laptop: To boot the installer, you need to remove mapbs=1 and noexitboot=1 To get suspend to work, you need to add mem_sleep_default=deep to the kernel= line in /boot/efi/EFI/qubes/xen.cfg.

Problem is that I could not access /boot/efi/EFI/qubes/xen.cfg it’s always show to me that there is no file or something similiar.
I tried to fix it, how that person was describe steps there

My main problem is, that at installation media, there is no basic software, no templates, no default system Qubes, so does this commands will help in my situation?

Hi Query

I’m not sure where you found the “edit /boot/efi/EFI/qubes/xen.cfg” – but I’m fairly sure it was related to an old Qubes OS – Qubes OS 4.1 and Qubes OS 4.2 uses GRUB.

If you are runninge any of the old Qubes OS releases, I’ll advise you to backup everything you want to keep and install Qubes OS 4.2, since Qubes OS 4.0 reached EOL in 2022 and Qubes OS 4.1 only has 5 months left:


Sorry – I missed this question … I really should know better, than to attempt to put pen to paper before I’ve had coffee … :-/

From your description, it sounds like you have successfully

  • partitioned and formatted the drive(s)
  • copied the initial dom0 software to the machine
  • booted from the harddrive

but the INITIAL SETUP has failed (or skipped) - since it’s the INITIAL SETUP that

  • copies templates
  • creates the system qubes
  • configures the system Qubes

As I read the reddit-link, it’s about how to boot the machine – not about how to get templates installed and system qubes created – so I don’t think it will help in your situatio
n. :frowning:

Did you succeed to verify your installation media as it was suggested in Installation problem. No Software/No Templates/No Default System Qubes - #30 by apparatus?

:slight_smile: :coffee:

Qubes team have a remark, to let Qubes work at my laptop: To boot the installer, you need to remove mapbs=1 and noexitboot=1 To get suspend to work, you need to add mem_sleep_default=deep to the kernel= line in /boot/efi/EFI/qubes/xen.cfg.

I also try to use GRUB
/boot/grub/GRUB/qubes/xen.cfg doesn’t work as well, system also can’t find this command :poop:

I think this remark will help in my situation to invoke Default System Qubes/ Software/ Templates , but system couldn’t find and open this command, not when I try efi/EFI or grub/GRUB command.

I also try to put mapbs=1 and noexitboot=1 at GRUB command line, but I don’t know how GRUB work, because it doesn’t show does it safe this command or somehow :confused:

Yes I do checked web version, download-install at usb- went thru installation process and have same issue, also any time when I checked quality of ISO image (at usb media) inside installation process it tell that it’s bad USB
(I understand why, because it don’t have default system qubes/software/templates, but inside ISO file I can see them, so aaaaaallll this time long I was trying to find a solution how to invoke Default System Qubes/ Software/ Templates )

But, it also kinda weird suggestion from peoples, because official Qubes have only have 2 web-site and 2 torrents from we can downloaded our images which are officially maintained by Qubes project, all other options it’s just mirrors (not-trusted or less trusted), so if we downloaded from official sources it should not have any problem in theory and if they did we also actually have no choice lol :smiley:

btw last time I downloaded 4.2.0 Qubes from torrent file and don’t checked by hash, because torrent itself checking it on a hash and if it downloaded 100% it’s mean that this downloaded are the same that source have hash-to-hash.

It’s my nightmare, I’m so exhausted that I Still could not use Qubes OS :face_with_head_bandage: :sob: :weary:

If your issue is still the “Installation problem. No Software/No Templates/No Default System Qubes” problem, then I’ll suggest keeping the questions/work/resolution in that thread … maybe follow up in that thread with which suggestions you tried and what result you got.


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