How to create an android qube

Step 1.) download the latest android-x86 iso. You can choose to build it instead as well.
Step 2.) create a new standalone hvm with no template. If using 4.1, it will ask you to boot the iso. don’t do it yet. Let it silently fail.
Step 3.) go to the hvm’s settings and choose advanced. from here we want to make sure our vm is an hvm and that debug mode is enabled. Also depending on the version of amdroid-x86 being used, you might want to have at least 512 MB of RAM available.
Step 4.) choose to boot cdrom image and use the iso you either built or downloaded earlier.
Step 5.) follow normal android-x86 install instructions.
Step 6.) when setting up networking, choose the VirtWifi option.
after that, you are done.


I wonder if it is possible to make it a template and install guest tools there.

This will only work on 4.1
On 4.0, as has been covered many times on this forum, you need to make
the disks available to the installer.

thank you so much love it when people share step by step guides

going to try this tomorow

android tools do not yet exist but I wouldn’t mind helping with that. The best way to distribute guest tools is with an apk btw. Android uses a tool called adb as its debugger and that can even sideload apks if you can connect to the vm. Also most android installs use 3 partitions: one for / with the os installed in /system, one for /storage/emulated/1 which points to /sdcard, and one used for the real sd card (we can use that for private storage, it is usually a folder which is named the same thing as the uuid of the partition). As for seamless mode, how can we make that work in a way that makes sense. Android canvas is always full screen except when it is split, which is a feature found only in android 7.0 and above and not supported by all apps. Oh and the fastboot tool can be used for shutting the vm down after install.


we need a way to start public donation fund to support community efforts like this i would love to see android tools for Qubes and be willing to donate to support its development by community

I would say working cut&paste is the most important thing.

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I am looking at android-x86 - Browse /Release 9.0 at

and there are two 64-bit iso releases: one “normal” and one “k49”. Which one is the correct one for QubesOS?

According to their release notes: Release 9.0-r2 | Android-x86

“k49” is recommended for VMware users. Does this help with QubesOS?

Guide in the OP doesn’t work for me.

Go to
Click on Download button which takes me to Download | Android-x86
Click on “Download Now SourceForge” big green button, which takes me to android-x86 - Browse Files at
Click on “Download Latest version” green button. Wait for the download to finish, and verify the SHA1SUM.

On Qubes Manager, click on “Create a new qube”, pick “StandaloneVM (fully persistent)” and pick “none” as the template. Check on “Launch settings after creation.”
On the settings screen for the new qube, give 1500 MB for the initial RAM, and uncheck the “Include in memory balancing” option. The Max memory is at 4000 MB.
Check the “Run in debug mode” option, also change the Mode to “HVM”.
Just to be on the safe side, set Default disposable template as “none.”

Choose the cdrom image from the qube that houses your downloaded ISO from step 1. Click on “Boot qube from CD-ROM” and pick that ISO file.

The android qube will start. I see the SeaBIOS on its window. After some seconds it leaves its place to a very brief screen in which it is tty1 and asks for the android: user’s password. That screen disappears quickly and leaves it to a blank black empty screen. Android qube’s CPU usage quickly drops to 0%. Android qube stays black blank.

Are there anyone successfully running an android qube on QubesOS 4.2? I would really appreciate a working guide on this.

I managed to install android x86_64 to a qube. However, when I start it, after selecting the android installation to boot into, I get the following error:

"Error 15: File not found.

An error occurred which might result in an unverifiable or insecure system state. !!! BOOTING WILL BE STOPPED !!!"

How do I resolve this error?

EDIT: I solved my problem, as well wrote a new guide on this topic: Android-x86 qube installation guide

Who can give me some tips on how to install the Android operating system on a QubesQS VM.

I have installed R4.2.3 QubesOS on the notebook.

Which installation is the easiest solution?

I don’t quite understand the ISO yet.

Do I have to create an ISO stick or can I install it with an ISO VM?

How do you do that?

I know how to create an ISO stick.

But how do I then start something like this, command input, drive input etc.?

Open qube’s Settings → Advanced → Boot qube from CD-ROM → select the ISO file.