How to choose picture for login user?

Boy this seems like a silly question, but searching both forums and duckduckgo yields nothing! How do I assign a photo for the login user in qubes 4.1?


I guess I did finally find something, once I knew what app was being used here!

The following works for me (mainly the same as you have cited above):

In dom0, edit the file /var/lib/AccountsService/users/<username>, and add the following line in the section [User]:


where <somefile>.png is a picture having a resolution of 96 x 96 pixels and stored in that folder. As the real picture is somewhat smaller, I have set the unneeded part to transparent. The size of this picture seems to be required.


Awesome. This was the route I was originally looking for - a way to set things per the user. Regardless of this being a single user system, I feel this is a better fit for me. Thanks GWeck!

Then please mark it as a solution so it could help other users too.

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Also, just a general reminder that you don’t actually have to transfer any image files to dom0 for this sort of thing. Instead, you can simply view the image in an app qube and take a screenshot from dom0. You now have the desired image natively generated in dom0 – no risky file transfers required! (The same thing works for dom0 wallpapers.)


There is also the underrated qvm-get-image and
qvm-get-tinted-image, which reduce the risk.

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@klaus Tiny bit of housekerping: I marked @GWeck’s post as the answer/solution to your question, as @enmus suggested, to make it easier to future folks with the same question to find it. Please feel free to correct me or change that if you don’t think it was the right thing to do! :slightly_smiling_face:

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