Hello. I put an TL:DR at the end of this thread in bold letters with my questions and i get if people don’t have time to read all of my “yibberish”. TL:DR if you just want to get to the point or questions. Just skip the rest.
I rarely play games… Are there any kind of alternatives for Qubes? Maybe a browser and a server on another paid system? Or some foss software that runs games on a stronger system if the laptop don’t have any power to run the game.
But the thing is… The mouse has issues with that one qube.
Can i temporarily set the mouse to one cube and that gamecube? TM. Kidding
Not the console…
You get my point. And Quake 3 arena should be able to run for sure
Please help me out on how i set the mouse temporarily for that cube. Thanks!
Also, what are the alternatives really to play games on a weak but cool system like Qubes. Not the OS, but the heavy system with 16gb ram… The power is strong in Qubes. You get my point.
Edit: I may just switch over the mouse as with everything temporarily. Doh x45346. Gonna try it out…
edit: I love qubes! And of-course that worked fine.
New question.
How do i optimize a dedicated cube for ioquake3-linux-x86_64 on a weak laptop let’s say…
I guess i need to choose when i boot up. One or two qubes open maximum…
yeah i wanna try some cool servers. Quake 3 is awesome.
How do i optimize a cube is my new question? memory, etc. In settings. Thanks!
Edit: The modded part was a joke, yeah you got that… Q1 the playcube. Just max out the ram?
Are there a dedicated list of games that can run on a overloaded qubes laptop?
Just some old “weak” games… But heavy. Light but cool. Old stuff, emulators and so on… That should be a whole thread imo…
Either that or some external server who runs the games, but one qube has support. That would be a paid service that would be fine by me. Anything like that anyone are using now? Anyone playing games on Qubes on this forum?
How do you run them? Please do share. And maybe what the heaviest game you have been able to run are… I’m way curious. If you got some level of privacy and can still play games without turning into a product yourself or your data really by some other system…
Sure i guess external sites would use data though if people play games there, analyzing how much you suck at playing games (i’m kidding. 3rd parties: "Hmm. That is incredible. Amazing! Never seen anything like it. He/she could just have unlocked that puzzle or picked up that one. Record this shit and sell that data. What is he speaking about in the mic? Is he screaming now? ooh, now he/she rage quitted. How could he/she not beat that boss in 10 tries i did it in 9 eeeasy. Who is the highest bidder?), but yeah… What are the alternatives really?
I would prefer to play on Qubes… If not possible, some 3rd party machine online… Maybe a browser, or something similar… I wish they did not record stuff, but yeah that would be the freedom/personal space you would have to sacrifice then…
I mean games is something personal. Like a qube or an old nintendo. Not something others should even have access to really. Others gameplays. That’s private. Not that i suck at games, i can be quite good but you get my point of-course, it’ still the principle and freedom of reading a book, playing in a personal solo space…
That creates creativity also and a sense of freedom. Knowing you are not being “watched” or analyzed by strangers.
But people in here like privacy so some get that.
How do i optimize a dedicated cube for light games in Qubes? Just max out the RAM? I’m trying to optimize this game. https://ioquake3.org/
What are the heaviest games you have been able to play in Qubes? How did you do it?
Are there some thread on this forum with a list of cool emulators or light games that work on such an overloaded system like Qubes?’
Are there any good paid services online where you have to sacrifice some privacy, but other systems are able to play the games for you and you stream it to Qubes? What services are the best for that and what software is FOSS?
Thank you.
edit2: No, it gets pretty hot fast on this particular laptop… I’m trying out some settings in the game… Fast setting and a small screen works, full screen is a bit choppy with high resolution on a game like quake 3 even on my laptop… Hmm. I need more ram.
And it gets hot fast. I’m checking my temp and cpu…
Anyone bored out there? Play around with ioquake3 in Qubes and try to find the best setting in the game and in a game#cube.
Let me know here or in PM if you have time…
Im gonna try some nintendo emulator …