How do I get a Logitech Bluetooth receiver to be recognized as a keyboard and a mouse?

I have a Logitech USB Bluetooth receiver that’s tied to a mouse and keyboard but when plugged in, it is only recognized as a mouse. How can I get it to be recognized as a keyboard as well? I don’t mind using my laptop’s built-in keyboard to unlock the device.

I’ve seen the USB qubes guide be referenced in several other similar articles but is creating a whole other qube just for my keyboard to be recognized really necessary? Also if the dedicated qube were to be created, would the Bluetooth mouse and keyboard work in all qubes?

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Open Qubes Policy Editor and in its menu File → Open → 50-config-input.

qubes.InputKeyboard	*	sys-usb	@adminvm	deny

to this if you want to confirm the connecting of your USB keyboard to dom0

qubes.InputKeyboard	*	sys-usb	@adminvm	ask default_target=@adminvm

or this if you want to connect your USB keyboard to dom0 without confirmation

qubes.InputKeyboard	*	sys-usb	@adminvm	allow

Then press Save Changes button.


You legend, that worked! FOSS community for the win! What would I do without this the Qubes OS community :slight_smile: <3