I use Qubes on a daily basis and enjoy it, it makes me very happy.
However, its high entry threshold is quite tiresome and for this reason I am not able to recommend it to other people.
- Will the people I recommend Qubes to be able to solve the problems they encounter?
- How will I explain why Qubes is a bit difficult to use compared to Windows?
- etc.
- etc.
Suggested solutions:
** GUI.**
Why did Qubes move away from KDE (which resembles Windows) to Xfce? Why doesn’t Qubes give a choice of environment, but even imposes Xfce?
Qubes on KDE resembles a system from Microsoft.
For the typical KDE user:
- program support
- file handling
- support for removable media
are simple things, looking “almost like windows.” For such users, Qubes would be a pleasant, efficient and faster system than Windows.
What does Qubes do to make it easier for novice users to enter the Qubes world?
Why has the interactive guide to Qubes that was presented (I think a year ago?) still not been introduced?
Should we require the user to read the documentation?
In my opinion, this should not be the case.
My suggestion is:
1. give the user a choice: do they want to use KDE or rather Xfce?
2. Introduce the principle of “I install Qubes and keep working”, which would be to create a program “SmartQubes”, the icon of which would be next to the start icon. When the icon is pressed, a simple fly-out interface would be displayed with questions like “What applications do you usually use?” and the choices would be e.g. Firefox, Gimp, Keepass, Outlook. After selecting, for example, Firefox/Gimp/Keepass, the program would offer to automatically install and configure Qubes with the ready-made applications Gimp, Keepass, Firefox. If “Outlook” was selected, Qubes would display information according to which the user would be able to easily and quickly install Windows and Outlook.
3. desktops, AppVM, TemplateVM - what does this actually mean for a new user? Unknown.
Wouldn’t it be a good option to add icons with question marks next to each Qubes option, which would display brief explanations when hovered over with the mouse cursor?
4. maybe you would introduce an option to automatically and periodically display various Qubes tips?
Example: girlfriend has Qubes, uses firefox, libreoffice, thunderbird, etc. - in general she has a lot of open programs on one bar. Qubes detects this anomaly and displays a balloon with the message
“Did you know that…
Qubes allows you to quickly switch between virtual desktops, in which you can spread xx applications…?”
5. a widget on the desktop that looks like a “yellow note”, which would display a new piece of advice every day on how to use the Qubes system.
What do you guys think about this?