Hardware Selection for Qubes OS


I would like to set up a Cube OS machine. I know Linux quite well. I’ve been working on Cube’s subject matter for a while now. So I understand how it works in principle. Now I’m not sure about the hardware selection, Laptop or desktop, what is suitable? That should be efficient. And Coreboot is best suited. Do you have some good ideas or Tips.

Greetings Michael

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That depends on your workflow. See this topic for a list of community-recommended computers:

I have the Purism Librem 14v1-01, which is unique in that it has hardware kill switches for the Wi-Fi/Bluetooth modem and camera/microphone above the keyboard. Here is my latest HCL report about it:

For various reasons, I want to transition to either the upcoming Librem 16 or a MSI PRO Z790-P II motherboard with Dasharo firmware, so I have a similar situation as you do. However, I will mention that I am inclined to get the motherboard due to it simply being available right now.


these two are options

  • Lenovo Thinkpad T430 i7-3840QM
  • Lenovo Thinkpad X230 i7-3520M

They are both suitable for coreboot, are they both powerful enough that is the question

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Are you in USA or like in Europe? or maybe?

As you can see from the HCL there are certified Qubes computer -sellers in Europe.

Here in the USA, Purism is closer.

Then, if you are a techie kind of person, there are descriptions of how to flash some computers with Core Boot and Heads, for some computers.

Also if you are in some places, it is easier to purchase a computer locally than have it shipped from another country. Perhaps less expensive

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I am from Germany, I don’t want to buy a ready-made computer, I will set it up myself, I always do it

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I have changed topic title, not to look like Leenoock instead of Linux for example would.

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what do you think of this starbucks mk vi

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Acceptable if hardware kill switches are not important.

With a kill switch it would be better, you can deactivate the camera etc. in the BIOS but…

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a lot of us use a camera cover, sliding type…
but if you do not assign camera to any specific Qube , i don’t think it would be active ever…

i don’t much video chat, so it is not a topic i know much about.

Just wanted to point out, you don’t have to deactivate camera in BIOS/EFI.

Not assigning hardware is one of the features of Qubes makes it more secure, and more time consuming to learn how to use properly.

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that sounds good, I still have to get used to various properties of cubes

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Starting with the name itself, obviously.

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Then your options are limited to a Purism laptop, with the latest model currently being the Librem 14 v1. The Librem 16 is estimated to be released in Q4 2024, so if you are going to wait for it along with me, you may as well start thinking about whether or not anti-interdiction is relevant against your threat model, along with whether you prefer SeaBIOS or PureBoot/Heads as the Coreboot payload.

[date=2024-10-29 timezone=“Europe/Berlin”]I think it will be the StarBook MK VI or the StarBook 7

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Sure, up to you. Without extensively researching about either product’s quirks, I would choose the latest model.

If you were setting up, say an X-230 for core boot/Heads this is one of the webpages you might look at.

Involves opening computer and doing a hardware flash.

scroll on down and see the computer after it was opened. –

My only point being, only a few computers have a web page of setting up to do a hardware flash.

Some of the other computer manufacturers allow one to use a set-up for Anti-Evil Maid.

Your preference might depend on your personal “threat model.” Your choice.

Have fun.

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This isn’t necessarily true, there are plenty of Qubes-certified options one could consider.

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I am with QubesOS ~6 years. I have used many laptops and desktops (lenovo p50, w541, x230, i7-4790K…). Since one year my laptop is NovaCustom NV41, my desktop msi PRO Z690-A WIFI DDR4 with i9-12900K both coreboot, I am very happy with both. My advise: don’t buy old slow systems, you have much more fun with fast hardware. One user with StarBook was not happy with fan noise, here in the forums. With NV41 fan is not loud, I have always ~25 Qubes open.

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I have now bought a notebook Star Labs Starbook MK VI, Intel i7 1360P, 64GB RAM, 2TB SSD half a year old for 900€

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If @Landv76 declares hardware kill switches as better, I am not going to recommend any other device without them, as that would be implied to be worse. However, feel free to suggest the contrary. In any case, this topic is now resolved.