GUI Guide: I hate 24 Hour Clock Time!

The presets do not show 12 Hour Clock time (AM/PM clock time) if also wanting to show the week day numbered day of the month date plus the month abbreviation too all set before the clock time. As in the “clock” presets on the default drop down are the 24 Hour Clock for this layout, which is what I grew up calling “military time” (as a Military Brat to Veteran parents this is what I called 24 Hour Clock time).

Thus, this is what I started with and was not happy about it
Thu 29 Feb, 00:05

If you aren’t happy about it follow this GUI click by click guide I made for people like me:

  1. Right Click

  2. Choose properties

  3. Look for “Clock Options” and the dropdown “Format” and click that dropdown

  4. Choose “Custom Format”

  5. Enter the following

%a%_d%b, %I:%M%p

Output will then appear as:
Thu 29 Feb, 12:10AM

Enjoy, and don’t be afraid to tweak this input as it now seems spacing is optional I think from the looks of it.


nice guide! Ideally you could take screenshot instead of pictures, the file size would be drastically reduced and the quality improved.


Yes but I don’t have the ability to do that right now, as I have no way to transfer the files currently. So later I will update this, likely in a month or two. I agree btw