Why not to base next dom0 on fedora 42 as it will offer new xfce version.
Is 4.3 release is eminent? So can’t be delayed for that.
Newest version I have in templates is fedora 40, why do you think dom0 should jump to 42 ?
What features does new xfce have ?
Why do people prefer xfce over kde ?
right now people are working on fedora 41 to be the dom0 version.
fedora41 was just released.
dom0 / qubes 4.3 is estimated somewhere q1 or q2 in 2025.
to plan further with an unreleased version of fedora isnt very viable except if you want a much later release of qubes 4.3.
thats my opinion and does not reflect the views of the dev team.
In feb/march 25 Fedora 42, (the answer for all questions) will be in beta freeze. It is a moving target but as the qubes dom0 release cycles are longer one could end in out dated releases of dom0 linux distribution.
I am not a qubes developer, but maybe I will become better and could help a bit in the future.
I think one could use 42 and follow them in an approach of “simultaneous engineering”.
Qubes 4.3 and Fedora 42 would be in the beta stages about the same time.
Now that Xen 4.20 is round the corner, fedora 42 soon releasing, I think if developers should give these a thought for 4.3.
Maybe even Cosmic UI can release soon.
Yah, I know it seems like I am just saying to delay as much as possible, but new hardwares will most likely get benefits.